Holy shit. Sam sent an email to my ex.

Jan 01, 2005 14:07

Guess what, she's over you. You lost her, you now have to live with that horrible mistake, and now you alone must deal with it. Stop trying to drag Sue back into the pathetic existance you call a life. Sue is an amazing girl, so i can understand how stupid you must feel for making such an error, but you can't change what damage you've already done, and with every letter you just make yourself look like a sad, pathetic and selfish individual. Everything you've sent her since you made the worst decision of your life, she has forwarded to me, and every one of them sounds exactly the same. They're just YOU complaining about YOUR life, and YOU are a "sick man" and all those sorts of nonsense. Guess what.. maybe if you had put more effort into giving Sue what SHE needs, and catering to HER desires from time to time, you wouldn't be where you are today.

Everything i just said to you is what everyone thinks of you. When you were removed from Sue's message board, everyone said the same thing, and no one misses you. Everyone saw you for what you really were.. a sad, lowly little man with no potential in life, no ambition, no desires, just some guy who is desperate for attention and uses a "sickness," which countless people have gotten over with alittle effort, as a crutch and a cry for attention.

That being said, keep your pathetic life to yourself. No one cares about what you have to say anymore, Sue isn't going to contact you, she's not going to take you back, and is actually right now asking herself what the hell she was thinking staying with someone as pitiful as you. She's actually disgusted with herself over her time with you, because she realized it was the very definition of a waste of time. She tells me she can't even remember any good times you two might have had together because they were all drowned out by your constant whining and selfish babbling.

Have a good new year, get over yourself, quit whining, go outside, get some sun, and stop contacting Sue.


Sue: I showed my mom what you sent to my ex, she said that was the best thing she's ever read, and that you must be some sort of psychologist or something because you hit the nail right on the head :-D

Sam: Glad she thinks so
Sam: I do alright when it comes to reading people like that
Sam: People that have severe mental issues like him shine like a beacon to me
Sam: They're easy to spot

Sue: I think back now and I wish I had that ability before when I first got together with him. I'm not dwelling on it now, so I'm not real concerned with that, but still lol

Sam: I felt the same way about Julia for a while
Sam: Mike wrote back

Sue: :o
Sue: what'd he say

Sam: This is all he had to say
Sam: That was pretty cruel of you to say all those things.

Sue: he said that to you, or to me through you?

Sam: Said that to me

Sue: that was original of him
Sue: lol

Sam: I'm laughing my ass off
Sam: That's so damn funny

Sue: were you expecting something more? lol

Sam: Here's my reply to him
Sam: Somebody had to say it.  The world isn't a rose garden, and not everyone will feel sorry for you forever.  Now that you know the truth, you have two options. 1) continue on and do what you're doing currently and eventually disappear into the nothingness you've built for yourself, or, 2) do something different and actually make something of yourself.   Somehow, i think you'll choose option 1.

Sue: :-D omg lol

Sam: I edited it

Sue: what'd you change?

Sam: Somebody had to say it.  The world isn't a rose garden, and not everyone will feel sorry for you forever. Would you really want them to anyway? Personally, i'd hate to have people pitying me all the time. 
Sam: That last sentence

Sue: :-D he'll get it asap too, if I remember correctly, b/c he's like.. *ALWAYS* online

Sam: Added another thing

Sue: ?

Sam: This is how it reads now
Sam: Somebody had to say it. It would seem that you play the "feel sorry for me" card pretty well if no one has pointed those things out to you before.  The world isn't a rose garden, and not everyone will feel sorry for you forever. Would you really want them to anyway? Personally, i'd hate to have people pitying me all the time. 
Sam: Sent

Sue: Doesn't bother you to be in contact with him like this does it? I'm assuming not, but just asking anyway lol

Sam: If it bothered me, i wouldn't have sent anything

Sue: yeah, I figured as much

Sam: You don't even know me.  How could you say such things?   I don't even know who you are. 
Sam: That's his last response

Sue: he replied already? lol

Sam: Yeah
Sam: This is awesome
Sam: he's all upset
Sam: Show your mom the other thing i said to him
Sam: I forwarded the complete version to you

Sue: printing :-D
Sue: she goes, I hope he never shows up here (to which I said he doesn't have this addy anyway), and then she goes, "he couldn't even make it down the driveway b/c he never goes outside anyway" :-D

Sam: What other boards did he post on?

Sue: Sheesh there's a whole list of em, I don't know which ones he still uses or not

Sam: Which one did he post on the most when he was still allowed on your board?

Sue: lemme look, one sec
Sue: I think off topic is the major one
Sue: occasionally he'd post on another one where it's all about chicks and racing, where he was good e-friends with a couple of people he knew on there

Sam: "that was cruel of you"
Sam: What a ***
Sam: I'd love to punch him in his stupid face

Sue: You and many other people I'm sure lol
Sue: If I were any good at it, I'd prolly give it a shot
Sue: :-D

Sam: Here's my response to him saying i don't know him and how can i say such things
Sam: I know you better than you might think.  You can learn a lot about people from the things they say.  I'm the counter terrorism expert in my unit, and i'm trained in how to read between the lines in all situations. Because of that training, I know how to read people, and reading you is equivalent to reading a children's book.  I read your mindless drivel on MBID and OT for months
Sam: It wasn't until that you decided to keep hounding Sue with EMail and what not that I decided to step in and say something.  If you were half as smart as you pretend to be online, you'd realize the futility of any further such advances and move on with life.  She doesn't care about you, she doesn't feel sorry for you, and that's just the facts.

Sue: :-D that's fantastic :-D
Sue: good call giving him that fake name of yours too, well, the last name anyway lol

Sam: Awwwwwww

Sue: ?

Sam: For all that training you arrogantly claim to have you're very ignorant.    You're just someone who gets off trying to hurt others when you don't know much of anything about me aside from what you've heard from others.   I will not read this any further.  Your e-mail has been blocked.

Sue: well, darn the luck
Sue: hehe

sam, happy, ex

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