Oct 23, 2008 08:41
So, guys, I saw this really informative pro-Prop 8 commercial the other day. Do you know, that if Prop 8 doesn't pass schools will have to teach kids that it's okay to be gay or lesbian? Not only that, but parents will have to love and support their children, so matter their sexual orientation? The horror. The HORROR.
If you've never met my sarcastic side before, you have now. Oh, and I've also found out that there is nothing that says schools have to teach anything. So there you go.
Honestly, I thought those pro-Prop 8 commercials were jokes at first. And then I realized... they weren't. It was about at that point that I realized that Prop 8 might actually pass. I'm lucky enough to live in a liberal area, where everyone I know vehemently opposes Prop 8. And it was a shock to realize that so many people don't. I mean, I know not all of CA is as liberal as my community is, but... Seriously? You people really have nothing better to do with your time than to deny people basic rights? You guys need a new hobby.
And for those of you who are better swayed by personal anecdotes, here's a story! About a month ago my dad and his girlfriend got married. They'd been together for a little less than two years. Shortly thereafter a gay couple on my street got married. They got married on they're 25th anniversary.
"OH, BUT THEM GAY MARRIAGES CAN'T LAST!" you wonderful pro-8-ers say.
Clearly, they can. Your argument makes no sense. :-)
I really, really can't wait to vote no. This is the first major election I'll get to vote in, and while I'd rather Prop 8 not even be on the ballot, I'm thrilled that I'll be able to cast my vote against it. I'm considering putting my brother in a time machine, making him 18, and bringing him back so he can vote against it, too. Eh, what the heck, I'll put both my brothers in the time machine so they both vote against it. 17 to 18 and 9 to 18 isn't that big of a deal.
Alrighty. In conclusion, in case you only read bold: VOTE NO ON PROP 8. Otherwise I will smite you.
gay rights