Somehow this entire entry turned out to be about food

Apr 07, 2012 16:27

Happy Passover! We had a Southern-style seder last night with Cajun matzah balls and gumbo and other delicious things. We also couldn't figure out how to hook the video camera up to the TV, which meant my mom and stepdad couldn't show an embarrassing home video of my brothers and I doing one of our old Passover skits. BULLET: DODGED.

I was just about to go to the grocery store-- had my shoes and purse on and was literally walking downstairs to the front door-- when my stepdad called out to ask if there were any groceries I wanted because he was going shopping. BULLET: DODGED.

And the Cool One and I are going to see The Hunger Games tonight because we are behind the times. BULLET: N/A.


i love everything, food, movies, passover, brothers, family

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