So LJ seems to be working again for the most part. That's cool. I went through hourly daily cycles of "It's still down? Psh, no biggie," and "IT'S STILL DOWN? WHY IS IT STILL DOWN??" But now I have two extra weeks of free paid time, so yay.
1. I have watched so many movies this summer. Between single-handedly supporting my local video rental store and journeying to the movie theater, I've seen The Big Lebowski, Being John Malkovich, Sorry, Wrong Number, The Tree of Life, Super 8, Pan's Labyrinth, and Gone With the Wind. Which... actually isn't that many when I list them out like that. But usually I just watch TV shows, so.
2. My laptop is dying. At least, it's dying in my very unprofessional opinion. I'm hoping the Geek Squad at Best Buy will tell me differently, but I'm preparing myself for the possibility that I'll need to go computer shopping. Ew.
3. It's August, which means that my three-month long tenure at
crack_van is finally over! I will now collapse.
4. I have been eating so much ice cream. It's not my fault that there are so many good ice cream places around here, okay.
5. Last week B1 and I caught up with one of our old English teachers from high school. It was lovely to see her again, but it's so strange to hear about the school and the teachers and to know that it all goes on even though I'm not there anymore. It used to really hurt to think about high school, because I was so happy there in 11th and 12th grade and I had such good friends and such great teachers, and I knew I could never go back. Enough time has passed that it doesn't hurt quite so badly anymore, but it's still a strange disconnect to hear about this place that meant so much to me and to know I have no part in it anymore. It was such an amazing community, and it still scares me to think that I may never be in an environment like that again.
6. I volunteered to be B2's go-to person at home for his Bar Mitzvah studying. This means that I've been spending a lot of time studying his portion on my own so I can better help him, and it is basically the most fun I've had in a long time. His portion is
Vayechi, and I was honestly prepared for it to be the most boring portion ever, but it's... actually not. Like, there are so many messed up family dynamics here. And anything having to do with Joseph is interesting because HE IS SO ARROGANT OH MY GOD. I'm trying to get B2 not to think about it as ~The Torah,~ but as any other story he would read in a book or see on TV or in a movie. I've always felt that if you take out the pretentious language and add in some exclamation points, there's some really good entertainment value here. Also, I'm super pumped to start looking at some commentary. I'm gonna
Rav Kook it up in here.
7. Reason #471 that I love my family: My parents have been divorced for almost 15 years, and last week my dad took my mom's mom to Home Depot so she could buy some new overhead lights. I just. I'm so proud of my family.
8. Last weekend I met someone who once shared an elevator with Ricardo Montalban. I proceeded to flip out.
9. What should I bake today??