Just saw the Korra finale :D :D

Dec 20, 2014 14:21

Overall the show ended really well, and if you gave up in books 1 or 2 it has gotten much better since then.

The main issue with this season is that it gave me what I wanted, eg one of the weirdly hot animated morally ambiguous badass butch brunette women is in her 30s instead of super young or super old...and she's basically Hitler. THANKS SHOW. THAT TOTALLY MAKES ME FEEL LESS WEIRD.

(spoilers spoooilersss)
But overall...everything is democracy and femslash and nothing hurts :D :D

Sooo glad they went for full democracy, I was hoping they would but wasn't sure. It still came down from on high instead of in any way being an actual democratic movement for democracy, but ehhhh this is Bryke.

And Korra/Asami! So cute! Not QUITE as shippy as I was hoping after I got spoiled for the final 30 seconds of the show by MY ENTIRE TUMBLR DASH EXPLODING IN SQUEE but pretty great :) (everyone tagged, but there are ten million ways to tag this show)

Overall I loved the ensemble togetherness, everyone was all happy and most people's arcs came to a nice conclusion. Except Lin, she deserved better. And that stuff about old people not being involved was a massive copout. Luckily we have Makinidotadot to fix things.

The World War Two aspect was well done I thought: using it as inspiration but mostly just telling a general story about dictators and nationalism.

I have more thoughts but no brain left to say them. Anghraine has some nice meta on the subject, we don't have quite the same tastes/opinions but she expresses herself so articulately that even disagreeing is instructive :)

And I am totally with her on the weird appeal of Korra/Kuvira, that bit at the end ahhh. Maybe she can reform and be less Hitler-y?? /o\ I had thoughts about Lin/Kuvira then remembered she's basically Lin's foster niece, though they probably didn't meet much or at all while Kuvira was young...? /o\ BRAIN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME.

This entry was originally posted at http://alias-sqbr.dreamwidth.org/563914.html. There are

tv, review, rec, avatar, avatar: the legend of korra, femslash

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