Computers, magical girls and anarchy

Jan 14, 2012 08:44

Code Academy Turns learning to code into an interactive game. I only got a little way in since it's not really aimed at people who already know how to code, but what I saw looked like fun.

Men's Versus Women's Poses Trying to re-enact fantasy novel covers in real life.

Open Culture Free online stuff! I haven't actually had much of a chance to check it out but it looks pretty cool.

Some of the original draft of Peter Pan, very interesting and and in some places very different.

English language dating sims with f/f options ("parent" leads to a general f/f media rec thread)

From that list: I've been playing Magical Diary and it's RIDICULOUS AND AMAZING. It's a thinly veiled Harry Potter self insert fantasy set in the US, except with more POC and ladies and no saving the world. I keep failing my exams (the magic system is actually kind of involved, which has made the game more interesting) and eventually got expelled after one particularly unfortunate life choice, but once I get over that I intend to get back to flirting and doing Science with my adorable roommate :D I have a side playthrough where I'm seeing what happens when you date the mysterious blue-skinned bat-winged bad boy Damien (this game), and there's been some new plot elements though the basic structure is the same. It's not a deep game but I'm enjoying it :)

I found the "The Crow"/"The Dark Knight"/"V for Vendetta" vid Anarchy really interesting: I hadn't thought of the Joker and V as similar before (I haven't seen the Crow)

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programming, vids, computer games, femslash, meta, recs

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