Ladystuck Reveals!

Jan 10, 2012 11:10

Reveals are up for Ladystuck, the Homestuck female characters fanworks exchange. And what a great exchange it was! There's still promising looking stuff I haven't had a chance to look at yet. And 88 pieces of femslash!

I was 99% sure that my fic was written by
biichan, but didn't want to say so in case there was some other Homestuck fan who also liked my Pride and Prejudice fic who'd be upset by my assumption :) Anyway, if you haven't read An Injured Body yet you should go do so.

I did three pictures: 2 gifts and a treat. All links go to the AO3, where there are descriptions, but the images are at tumblr and deviantArt too.

I was assigned Yukari, and thought all her prompts sounded great.

Green Moon Rising

I started on this silly werewolf-and-vampire romance novel cover as a lark before deciding on my "real" choice then spent a zillion years on it. Since I'm not super good at manips I decided I should still do another one.

Around the Water Cooler

I really, really like the idea that Snowman took the Handmaid under her wing. Poor Handmaid :(

The Disciple

A treat for sexyfundancing. I got this off the pinch-hit list but by the time I'd convinced myself I could draw something it had been picked up. I decided I liked my idea enough to finish it anyway. It was picked up by Shelby, who is amazing, and I enjoyed the lack of pressure, so I'm considering this a win.

This entry was originally posted at There are

exchanges, ladystuck, homestuck, manips, fanart, femslash, challenges

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