Response #2 to Holiday

Dec 21, 2008 14:13

The year that Emily was diagnosed with cancer, she made a request.

“You want to humiliate me. I understand.”

“Arvin, dear, it’s not about humiliation. It’s just…I remember that winter when we had custody of Sydney, and all the things that made that Christmas so special. Sometimes I think that’s the happiest we’ve ever been.”

Sloane hesitated, distracted by the sudden guilt he felt at the thought of depriving Emily of any happiness, no matter how small.

“This will make you happy?” he asked.

Her answering smile broke his heart.


Sloane stared at himself intently in the mirror. He adjusted his wig carefully, making sure that none of his own thinning salt and pepper hair was visible. He pushed his glasses up his nose and smiled, practicing.

“Focus on the mission,” he said, tugging at the thick hem of his jacket.

“Arvin, it’s time.”

Sighing, he checked his appearance one more time before grabbing his bag and flinging open the door. Emily was standing on the other side, and the way her eyes sparkled made this all worth it.

“Ho ho ho!” he bellowed, just to see her grin widen.

“Oh, Arvin, you’re perfect,” she breathed, leaning forward to press a kiss to his beard-clad face.

“Only for you, my dear,” he said, swinging the gift bag over his shoulder and making his way to the living room, where their guests were waiting.

“Sydney is here with Dixon and his family,” Emily told him as they walked. “Marshall brought his mother. Goldstein and Garber both brought their kids, so we’ve got a pretty good crowd.” She hesitated. “It’s too bad Jack couldn’t come.”

“I’m sorry, Emily. You know that would just be too complicated.”

“I know.”

He stepped into the living room, where the guests were gathered around the large, festive Christmas tree he had asked security section to purchase, deliver, and decorate. Sydney was talking to the Dixons, dressed in a simple suit with her hair pulled back into a bun.

“Ho ho ho!” he called, grinning as Sydney-as well as everyone else-turned. A wide smile split Sydney’s face. It was the same smile as when she’d been a child. He wanted to nod to her, but forced himself to stay in character. “Greetings from the North Pole! Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas,” the guests chorused back.

He sat on the large chair in front of the tree, placing his bag of gifts beside him. “Which of you kids wants to be the first to ask Santa for a present?” he asked the small group of children. As they assembled themselves into a haphazard line, he looked up to see that Sydney had gravitated over to Emily, and the two women were engaged in an easy discussion. Sydney seemed to feel his gaze on her, because she glanced at him and smiled. Seeing her gaze, Emily turned as well, and for a moment the only two women he cared about in the world beamed at him together.

author: dens-serpentis, challenge: holidays

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