Holiday Wishes!

Nov 24, 2010 13:47

I participate in this wonderful community called Holiday_Wishes. Basically, people write lists of ten things they want, post them, and then go through and grant other people's wishes. I love it and think it's just such a wonderfully fun part of the holiday season. Check out the community, it's really fun and worth a look.

1. What's the best way to get out of lurker-dom then to have new LJ-friends who learn to care about your life? Throughout my time on the interwebs I've met people I'm proud to count among my friends. I'm going to do my best for semi-regular posting, and I'd love some LJ friends who would read and comment. I'd do the same!

2. Cards, postcards, and letters, oh my! If you need an idea for what to write, check out the next two items! (If you're in the Holiday theme, I celebrate Hanukkah and love Christmas trees.)

3. Quotes! I collect quotes. Funny, meaningful, poingient, meaningful-to-you-in-a-way-it-can't-be-to-anyone-else, all quotes.

4. If you're going to mail something, I'd love it if you included a list of few things that make you happy. I have a book called "The Happy Book", in which I have a huge list (over 6500, now, spanning three volumes!) of things that make my friends and I happy. Repeats welcomed, and there's no limit. Contributions have ranged from one item to over 300 (over multiple entries). I'd love to have some other additions - I'll add their numbers and paste them into the book :)

5. I would love a used digital camera. If you're getting a new one for the holidays, I'd be thrilled to inherit your old one - I promise it would go to a good home! I'd even pay for shipping, if that would help you!

6. There is not enough Hufflepuff Pride in the world. Take that as you may ;-)

7. Smile! Everyone and everyday could use another Smile! :)

8. If you're in Washington DC and see a vendor selling Street Sense, buy one. It's a publication put out by the homeless, and it's a very legitimate way both to raise awareness and for some people to begin to get back on their feet. There are organizations like this across North America - check out for more details.

9. This sounds silly, but I could really use some suggestions on how to get motivated to exercise. or ideas for good workouts for an extreme beginner. Star charts don't work anymore, I'm not fit by anyone's standards, and I'd love some ideas and suggestions or just good wishes!

10. Surprise me!

meme, z_eyes wide shut, all about me, yuletide, happy, fandom: harry potter

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