Why do I bother?

Sep 18, 2009 23:06

Been working flat out for as long as I can remember (hence the lack of updates or communication of any kind with anyone who hasn't jumped up and down in my face until I responded).

Job 1: Lecturing at uni. Paid for 18 hrs/week. Been working anything up to 40 hrs/week during semester.

Had mid-perforance-review performance review today (the uni's idea of improving efficiency - give people more crap to do) with our not-very-supportive head of dept. Basically got told that I'm not doing enough. Even during second semester when I have a full teaching load. In first semester I now have the choice of finding a random maths course to try to teach/tutor - tricky given that I'm not a mathematician, or giving up my part-time contract and going sessional instead.

Job 2: Not-for-profit, community gymnastic club. Last June(just as I was on the verge of resigning) the club was told the lease would be terminated early. Had to find a new building. Moved into new building at commercial rent (more per month than the old place was per year). No help from the committee. Got left to do everything - including trying to organise birthday parties and an open day before we even had phone or internet connections back. Apart from 3-week trip to Blighty in December have had zero time off in the past 2 years. Been working at 150% for as long as I can remember. Most people would die under the stress load I've been carrying.

New president wants to be on top of everything. Her and my assistant did stuff this afternoon. Every question basically had a hint of "What the **** have you been doing?" to it. They don't get that I've been working flat out just to keep the club open. Stuff updating class rolls every week or calculating fees to the third decimal place. People get invoices. Kids in classes. Coaches in classes. Money coming in. All good.

I am so sick of putting everything into what I do and getting a slap in the face back.

I just want to pack it all in and go home :( If only other half didn't enjoy his job so much, it wasn't so hard to make the move, and I'd finished my bloody grad cert higher education so I at least have something to show for it all.

Is it too much to ask that someone I work with notices how much bloody work I do, instead of criticising everything?!
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