A Christmas recap of sorts...

Dec 26, 2011 19:24

So it feels great to have such awesome family and friends around Christmas. And as I've always thought: Christmas is for time with family (Tim Minchin's White Wine in the Sun isn't my favorite Christmas song for nothing!). While my brother is currently in South America, and won't receive his Christmas presents until he returns, I did get to have some good times with the family that is around.

On the 20th JD and I went out to see the Wedding Singer at the Mayfield Dinner Theatre to celebrate our second anniversary as a couple. I really enjoyed both the show and the food. And JD seemed to have a good time too -- particularly as it was a musical sans-The Beatles (he's not a Beatles fan). I adore live theatre.

On the 23rd, I finally began to catch up on the Internet things that I haven't had the chance to catch up on previously... I think it'll take at least another day or two to get completely caught up but, at least I don't have to declare email bankruptcy or anything! :) It felt good to have been done preparations for Christmas by that point such that I could really just enjoy.

The 24th was Christmas with my folks. I got spoiled with awesome food, great presents and the opportunity to see family! My nephew answered the door, excited about presents (he got to open OUR presents first this year!), and we brought in our gifts. Once my brother and his girlfriend were over and my dad was awake we were able to open the gifts and well -- I adore seeing people's reactions to that which I brought them. I also got spoiled with money, tea, the third season of Castle on DVD, the first Absolute Sandman (oh my gawsh am I ever happy about that gift! Sure there's four more of them, but I never even imagined that I would get the first one! So happy!!), the book The Wisdom of Whores (a nice non-fiction read about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which I plan to read -- it's vaguely relevant to my thesis, but I hope to just enjoy it, more than anything), and well, I still have one brother to spoil, so I imagine the exchange of gifts isn't exactly over (especially since JD has a gift that will show up in January among other things). Food was delicious, and my dad got Cowboys and Aliens as a gift on Blu-ray so we watched that! What a fun (not at all holiday related) film to watch! (JD made fun of my reactions to it... but I did still enjoy it muchly).

And then Christmas day was spent with JD's family, complete with gift opening (apparently I have to take him shopping for new shirts in January as the ones that he received didn't fit him properly, but that'll work out well enough), way too much yummy food, and some really interesting conversations. We even played a board game: You Don't Say which was actually a ton of fun!

All in all it has been a great Christmas! Today's Boxing Day and we did all of our shopping (okay JD shopped, I mostly just encouraged him to buy me the Christmas present of a Blu-Ray player from Best Buy sales on the 24th) online meaning that sleeping in was the order of the day. Darn darkness makes sleeping far too appealing... ah well, the days ARE getting longer!

musings, family, food, gatherings

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