Christmas List (and other musings)

Dec 12, 2011 12:08

So, while I occasionally manage to finish essays and assignments (one left for the semester and then it's just RAwork and thesising all the way!), Christmas happenings have started to overtake the month -- I guess as per the usual. Yesterday I volunteered at the South Edmonton Kiwanis Club's Christmas Tree lot (I ran the cash register mostly... the credit/debit machine was one of the simplest/easiest to use ever! :) ), and then went over to JD's mom's to see how their tree was shaping up. JD's niece was super cute walking in JD's shoes!

My brother asked me for a Christmas wish list last night, and I guess I completely forgot to put one together, so here goes (in no particular order of course, though I'm going to put it in categories I think):
Tim Minchin
Paul & Storm
Charlie McDonnell
Light Organ Records: Our First Christmas (album)
Dr. Horrible Soundtrack

Absolute Sandman 1-5 by Neil Gaiman
The Wisdom of Whores by Elizabeth Pisani
Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm by Brian Michael Bendis (graphic novel)

The Guild Season 5 (on DVD)
Castle season 3 (on DVD) [there are probably other shows I should put here, but this is a good start... I guess I would also love Criminal Minds as I don't already have any of the seasons and would like to see them all]
Shirts from xkcd store: Collatz Conjecture, self-descriptive shirt, raptor polo - Female cut (all in small)
Graphic Novels
A glass pen
Fun board Games that I don't already have (the time to play them too! ;) )
I guess iPod apps and/or iTunes music downloads would be good too, though I likely have enough apps for the time being (not that they're not super fun though!)
Popcap Games are also awesome -- though really I don't need more distractions, do I?
An eliptical machine (not that we have the space for one, of course, but someday...)
Good food, good experiences, good friends, good health, good travels!
A real time turner (or the ability to be in more than one place at once! :) )
Computer upgrade stuff [ask JD] (yeah, JD's right this computer probably needs an upgrade, though I do love the way it is set up now).
I would probably really love an iPad though it's not a 'must have' item, but rather an item I would just enjoy.
I want to see a ton of good movies that I haven't already...
A better travel bag: essentially a bag that could be easily used for carry on only travel, but which can actually fit everything I want to bring effectively. My current bags are great for checked luggage or carry on if I'm only going for like a weekend, but I would like something smaller than my big bags and somewhat larger than my smaller carry on items.
I guess that's all I can think up other than the obvious of getting my assignments done, catching up on research work, having a good time, spending time with my awesome family and friends, and getting my thesis done as appropriate. My life is a good one. Of course I enjoy volunteering, helping others and other efforts toward making the world a better place, but given the fact that my brother asked for the list, it's a bit more of an item-focused one for his appreciation.

In other news, I'm really enjoying participating in gift exchanges this year: the GoldfishLegs gift looks so intriguing! I look forward to opening it! My re-gift exchange was fun too (I got lavender Epsom salts). And then I really hope I get something from the RedditGifts Secret Santa 2011 gift exchange -- I had such fun putting together a gift for that one!

musings, christmas

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