event seventeen | year of the moon rabbit

Feb 04, 2011 15:01

CHARACTERS | Everyone!
DATE | Feb 3-9th
SUMMARY | It's Chinese New Years, and in The World it's the year of the moon rabbit!

LOG | ( gong xi fa cai! )

(.hack//g.u.) silabus, (okami) amaterasu, #open, (homestuck) jade harley, (alive) yuuta takizawa, (tegami bachi) gauche suede, !event

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illuminatism February 5 2011, 06:23:52 UTC
Amaterasu had taken to spending time looking through each Root Town, taking in the sights and sounds, before planting herself in Dol Dona. It was nice to see The World so festive once again; all colorful and lively and full of celebration. While she did enjoy seeing the others in this world enjoying themselves during these events, what was the best to see was the NPCs enjoying the events as well.

And since this is a new year? It meant a new outfit to wear; seeing it in the specialty shop had come at a pleasant surprise.

But at the moment? Amaterasu is leaning against the wall to the left of the item shop with a bowl of dumplings and mandarin oranges in one hand and a Taro cake in her mouth. She's just there. Stuffing her face. Enjoying the food and atmosphere.


oh look it's gauche... who would've ever... guessed.... alwaysdelivers February 8 2011, 12:44:20 UTC
It was difficult to miss the bright yukata and that white hair. While the holiday itself was lost on the letter bee, he could appreciate the atmosphere and food. A bit of haggling managed to get him a sample platter of all the food and he took a seat next to Amaterasu, smiling.

"I don't suppose you know what everyone's celebrating, do you?"


oh my... gauche! this is quite a surprise. illuminatism February 10 2011, 20:11:53 UTC
She had just been getting ready to grab something to drink with her free hand when Gauche appeared. She tilts her head a little as she returns the smile with one of her own.

Her head tilts at his question and Amaterasu breathes out a small "hmm".

Did she know? Well, yes, of course she knew; even if it was something that she had never really taken part in, due to her duties. She gives a nod of her head as she drops to a knee and writes in the dirt with her finger: Chinese New Year.


yes no one was expecting this at all alwaysdelivers February 13 2011, 10:34:42 UTC
Gauche sat back on his haunches next to her, watching as she wrote in the dirt. "Oh? Another new year celebration, is it? How nice! Although I don't see why we'd need two of them."

He picked one of the jiao zi from the plate and took a small bite, wary of the steam coming off it. After a few thoughtful bites and people-watching, he turned to Amaterasu and motioned to her new outfit. "You look nice for the occasion. Is that new?"


it's almost like the spanish inquisition illuminatism February 14 2011, 22:44:52 UTC
Another new year celebra--


That was right. There had been that festivity at the beginning of the year, hadn't there? It had completely slipped her mind since she had taken to just sleeping through it all and, really, paying it little to no mind. To his comment and motion she looks to her clothing before returning her gaze to Gauche's face and nods.


Yes, it was new; it was just something that had caught her eye at one of the shops, plus it looked far more easy to move around in when it came down to battles than the outfit she had found herself in when she first arrived. The fact that it showed so much leg, thus allowing the pale red markings that went from thigh to knee to be shown, did not seem to bother her at all.


too true too true alwaysdelivers February 16 2011, 15:21:22 UTC
"It's very lovely, Miss Amaterasu."

Although catching sight of the markings, a bit of color rose to his cheeks and he cleared his throat, looking away. He slid the plate over towards her, however, in silent offering.


:3 illuminatism February 16 2011, 16:29:34 UTC
A soft red slowly paints her cheeks at his words. She really hadn't been expecting to hear something like that but...with it coming from Gauche, it made for a flop of her stomach and a rush of shy embarrassment.

Her ears twitch forward at the plate and she looks to him before looking back down. It was always hard for her to decline any form of offered food - whether it be from an event or someone else - and she picks around at it with her chopsticks (which had previously been sitting untouched on her plate) before picking something off it it and taking a large bite from it.

One thoughtful moment later she holds out her plate to him, the flush on her cheeks lighter than it had previously been. If he wanted, he was more than free to take an orange.


alwaysdelivers February 17 2011, 22:37:39 UTC
And so he did, removing his gloves to peel the orange and section it on his plate amongst the nian gao, dumplings, and radish cakes he'd all taken a couple of. It was incredibly easy to enjoy the quiet moments with Amaterasu, people-watching and eating at their own pace. Events like this were usually boring to him, but being in her presence was always nice. Thoughts of needing to move and do something shrunk away, as if cowering from her radiance.

But that was to be expected from a sun goddess, no? The letter bee popped an orange slice in his mouth, smiling faintly from the sweetness.


illuminatism February 21 2011, 03:56:01 UTC
In the meanwhile, Amaterasu was stuffing dumplings into her mouth. Just one after another in a way to would give off the impression that she wasn't even chewing. Just swallowing them. Which was almost half true, though there was some chewing going on just to make the trip down easier on her throat and stomach.

A minute later, and with a mouth a little less puffed out with food, she glance out of the corner of her eye to watch Gauche with a thoughtful sound. Her hand comes up to her mouth and she licks at the small trail of juice and orange had left along her fingers and hand. These festivals and celebrations were always nice to take part in. Especially so when you have someone to celebrate them with.


She falls back to sit on her butt, moves a little closer, and leans over in an attempt to set her head against his shoulder. Even if she wasn't finished eating, putting away so much in her bottomless pit of a stomach was a bit tiring. Not to mention, that shoulder of his had just looked kind of inviting.


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