event seventeen | year of the moon rabbit

Feb 04, 2011 15:01

CHARACTERS | Everyone!
DATE | Feb 3-9th
SUMMARY | It's Chinese New Years, and in The World it's the year of the moon rabbit!

LOG | The World was a Massively Multiplayer Online game for a reason; all sorts of people from all around the world was into this game! It was only natural that the administration would roll some special cultural events for their many players. Besides, these sorts of festivities were always good for bringing up morale!

All over Mac Anu, Lumina Cloth and Dol Dona bright red banners with 'Happy New Year' and other cheerful messages written across them in elaborate calligraphy graced the doors and pillars. All towns are swathed in reds and golds (though it's a bit hard to tell in the Eternal City). But that's not all! In front of the entrances to buildings and shops in Mac Anu and Dol Dona are little bundles of green cabbage with a lucky red pocket attached just waiting for the Lion Dance to usher in another year of good fortune. Lumina Cloth had something a bit more entrancing; a dragon dance at regular intervals in the middle of the square!

The towns are bustling and loud. With the drums and cymbals for the dances and the firecrackers that some NPCs are setting off, it's hard to imagine any evil spirits daring enough to stay in the Root Towns. There's also numerous types of food set out in the shops to celebrate the new year. Enjoy some dumplings or fried radish cake (or join Keane over there munching cheerfully on the chewy, sweet treat niangao) or some other food of choice. If you're culturally savvy enough - or if you're just good at listening to what other people do - you might even pick up some lucky red pockets from the NPCs for yourself!

[ooc: The Red Envelopes are entirely optional and only have coupons for discounts at random stores (or a chocolate coin). Enjoy the food and festivities! ]

(.hack//g.u.) silabus, (okami) amaterasu, #open, (homestuck) jade harley, (alive) yuuta takizawa, (tegami bachi) gauche suede, !event

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