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Apr 13, 2010 08:38

Finally got over my shitty mood. By around bedtime on Sunday. I camped out on the sofa on and off most of the day. Did a bit of cleaning and tidying and played with the kids and so forth but I was just very ratty and snappy.

Yesterday was fun. Alex came round and made me do something i really hate doing: I drove the car. I get very nervous about driving in London and Alex and Jake are both determined that I should get my confidence up. So I drove the car over to Dulwich and we dropped off an application for a fair we're doing next month. And the world didn't end and I didn't have an accident or get lost or anything. So, yay me! Jake was very proud of me (and very surprised)  when I told him.

The plan for today is to hang in the garden with Esme and Orlaith's brand new second hand push along car and enjoy the sunshine. My next door neighbour was getting rid  of the car and Esme absolutely loves things like that so sshe said we could have it for her if we wanted it. She spent a good hour or more tucked up inside it yesterday afternoon. Then spent most of the time I was preparing dinner looking out of the window with a proud look on her face saying "my car-car".
Sunshine. a little sewing (of course. I can't go a whole day without doing any work at all. that's crazy talk.) watering my plants, playing with the girls. Sounds very good to me.
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