Today's been good in many ways.
Here is a list because I am too tired to be arsed typing a detailed entry with sentences, grammar and punctuation. Hell, I've managed correct spelling, you can be grateful for that.
- Orlaith gave me many snuggles. She has been in a very cuddly mood today.
- Went to the midwife and got to hear Groucho's heartbeat.
- Discovered the midwife is also a keen knitter. This was a mixed blessing actually, as she then ranted at me for about twenty minutes about a jumper she knitted for her husband that took her about 16 years to finish.
- Went for a couple of walks.
- Ate tasty pizza that I made myself. Mmm, aubergine with herbs and garlic.
- Drank some tea
- Did some more work on my new cardi. It's looking quite shiny.
The good balanced out the bad and cancelled it, so I will not list the bad.
Orlaith is very cute at the moment. Her speech has really picked up again in the last weeks. She uses I sentences almost exclusively now, unless she's trying to indicate possession of something or requesting to be picked up, in which case it is "Orlaith's lap" or "I pick you up, Mummy". This is in line with what I've read about "you" being the most confusing and difficult of all pronouns for children to learn.
She has started giving kisses on a much more regular basis, which is delightful, particularly as they are accompanied with either a big "MAH!" noise, or a lick on the face. Gross. Luckily the "MAH" is more common. Last night we had a shower together and while I was getting ready, she came up and kissed me on each side of my chest, then said "Aww, the boobies, he is so CUTE!" *grin*
Yesterday we made a monkey and a giraffe together from an el cheapo kit I bought at S'bury's, she loves them. "The monkey, he's so CUTE, Mummy." The monkey and the giraffe gave each other kisses, then they kissed Orlaith, then they kissed Mummy. Her imaginative play is developing rapidly and stories and tv shows that we watch together are getting incorporated at light speed. It's fascinating to watch and be part of that. Oh, and then we had to read The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me for our bed time story. I had to think quick to excise whole huge sections of the book that were just too long and wordy for an almost 2 year old. The only bit she really enjoys is the MOnkey and the Pelly when they sing and dance at the beginning anyway.
This entry has suddenly gotten a lot longer than I intended. I need to go lie down now.