Jun 13, 2006 10:25
It's very very hot again.
It did rain last night though, so hopefully my seedlings won't be deaded.
The raddishes and lettuces were looking particularly good when I came home on Saturday and my parsley plants have sprouted all over the place! Fantastico.
I am thinking that if we have a garden at the next place we move to, I am going to try and plant seasonal veggies to try and lessen our impact on the planet through food miles. I have started looking into things like making preserves and my Mum tells me it is very very easy and that you can keep jars of certain preserves for a long time. If I can get a bit more organised about planting times and so on and start to retain seeds from each year's plants we can be a bit less reliant on crap supermarkets, hopefully. And it will be a fun project for Orlaith and I to undertake together. Kids like plants. My nephew is apparently obsessed with flowers at the moment. Very very cute.
And now I might try and get Orlaith down into her cot for her nap (she's sparwled across my lap, fast asleep and drooling slightly) and finish off her little jacket. Or possibly just do some washing up and vaccuum the house. That's actually slightly more likely.