to be Victory Day
- A plan or arrangement (see 'must' in the first meaning)
Mind: A Perfect Infinitive after ‘to be’ in the Past Tense indicates that the action did not take place:/Перфектный Инфинитив после 'to be' указывает на то, что действие должно было произойти, но не произошло.
They were to meet at 6./ Мы должны были встретиться в 6.
They were to have met at 6. /Мы должны были встретиться в 6. (Должны были, но не встретились)
2) Commands and instructions
We are to meet at 6./Встречаемся в 6.
- Predestined event
be to + Passive Infinitive
He was to become my friend and instructor during all the years I spent at Oxford./Ему было предначертано стать моим другом и преподавателем на протяжении лет, проведенных в Оксфорде.
- ‘be to’ + Passive Infinitive = ‘can’, ‘may’
Nothing is to be done./Ничего не поделаешь
‘Where is such a man to be found?’ - she exclaimed./"Где же такого можно найти?"-воскликнула она.
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What can not be cured must be endured.
What’s done, can not be undone.
Love can’t be forced.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
He can’t say boo to a goose.
Can the leopard change his sports?
You can’t judge a tree by its bark.
One can not make an omelet without breaking eggs.
One can not please everyone.
If we can’t do as we would, we must do as we can.
A man can die but once.
You can take the horse to the river but you can’t make him drink.
Friendship can not stand always on one side.
You can not eat your pie and have it.
He that is afraid of wound must not come near a battle.
The best of friends must part.
What must be - must be.
As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
Those who live in glass houses must (should) not throw stones.