Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Mar 16, 2013 12:23

Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Past Perfect Progressive Tense) / Прошедшее свершенное продолженное время

is used to express an action /      используется для выражения действия,            
                   which began in the past and/        которое началось в прошлом и            
                   had  been  going on for some/    продолжалось некоторый
              period in the past/                      период времени в прошлом

had + been V-ing
? Had been + V-ing?
- Subject   had not + been V-ing

Last winter Helen had been knitting a pair of socks for two months.

Signal words:   for, since, the whole day, all day ( but with relation to the past, not to the present)

Вот мы и покончили с прошедшими временами (есть, правда, ещё будущее-в-прошедшем - но это отдельная история, попозже познакомимся). В следующий раз помещу традиционную сводную таблицу 4-ёх прошедших времён.

English Joke
A Night caller

past perfect continuous
Sarah Robinson was well-known among her friends for being extremely well-mannered. When the telephone rang at half past three one morning, she spoke calmly into the receiver, even though she had been sleeping soundly. On the other end of the line was an angry male voice. He complained that her dog had been barking all night and that it had been keeping him and his wife awake. Sarah thanked the caller for telling her and politely asked him for his name and number before hanging up. The next morning at precisely half past three, Sarah called her neighbour back.

‘Good morning, Mr Grant. I just called to let you know that I don't have a dog.’

english jokes

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