Feb 05, 2008 21:57
If a tree falls in a forest...
...does anyone care? :P
Update on me in list form, to make it short and sweet:
* Mid-to-end of January: Moved to new place in GP. This means no more commuting. YAY.
* End-of-January: Finished my last week at my old job. Good bye Shawna, J'son, Irene, Maria, and all of the managers. I'll truly miss some of you. Shawna (aka "S") seemed suprisingly OK with me leaving. I was relieved by this reaction, since I was scared to death she'd get upset. However, I ended up crying privately in a corner over it anyway. I don't know if her calm "whatever" reaction should be considered a good thing or not. I still wonder about this. However, I was one of the few admin staff that did not get a bonus over the X-mas season, and she had said flat out that the bonus was an incentive for those that did a good job to stay, so I had quietly taken the hint and found other work. What ever her reaction was to me going, I hope they get me my last paycheque ok.
* Monday, January 28-present: Started my new job as advertising administrator for the agriculture department of a global-wide auctioneer company. (Free Internets to whoever knows what company I'm talking about!) For those that don't know, I make posters, ads, flyers, and even full-blown catalogues of all the nifty farm stuff that will be in upcoming auction sales. My job is graphic-intensive and is very cool :) Observations of the job thus far:
--I am surrounded by very computer-savvy rednecks and hicks. I kid you not. All of these people live out on farms, listen exclusively to country music, and come to work wearing sweaters and jeans (sometimes flannel shirts, cowboy boots, and baseball caps o.0 ) Each person is even related to at least one other in some way, shape, or form or have at least known someone else for years! Yet they're all very smart, very office efficient, can professionally pwn in boardroom meetings, and are up-to-date with technology trends (they all have Blackberries, for instance :P ) It's very unusual to me, but in a good way :)
-- These people are also, so far, very, very nice :)
--This job has the potential to be very stressful (tight deadlines combined with lots of responsibility suck) which has me very nervous. I pray that I can learn what I need to fast enough and be considered a good asset to the company. I really want to be good at this!
* During my first week of work, I had to catch rides or take very expensive cab rides to and from work because the temperature had dropped down to the -40C ranges during the DAY (I kid you not!) so our rust bucket of a vehicle would not start. This stressed me out liek whoa.
* Because of the above-mentioned stress, I also caught the stomach bug during this first week of work, fighting my queasy tummy all the time. I did NOT want to call in sick on my first week of work, plus I can't afford it anyway. Besides, I was still able to work, I wasn't running to the bathroom every 15 minutes or anything like that. And for those of you who may be concerned, no, no one got sick from me.
So yeah, that's all that's happening with me right now.
As for fandom things, I'm still very much into Warcraft, but I'm having a hard time making LJ friends from the fandom because those that talk about the game do so obsessively, rambling about raids and epic gear and what-not. I'm not a hard-core player so I don't care about that stuff. All I want to do is gush about the storyline with people, not game mechanics, but no one seems to care. *sigh* That, and all I really want to do in the game anymore is roleplay. I REALLY want to RP. Sadly, I don't know anyone that's willing to help me out with this, and I can't get over my shyness to approach someone in character. Why, oh why must I be shy and totally fail socially online now too? It's enough of a problem offline :( I really hate myself some days. Meh. (If any of you want to help me out with the WoW RP issue, or if you want to try to introduce me to some other RP of any type, I'd love you forever!)
At least I'm getting the urge to write again :) Probably not for the Inuyasha fandom, though, unless someone can tempt me with a juicy plotbunny...?
Meh, shutting up now. Back to your everyday schedule :)