Aug 24, 2006 08:25
This is just a small, uneventful rant, but I'm bored, and I'm procrastinating on processing the dreaded payroll until the bosses show up, so...
I was contently browsing the web last night, searching for any really good icons ('cause, with the Plus account, not only do I get that damn annoying/ugly banner at the top of my page, but more icons! yaaaay!) While browsing, I was adruptly reminded of a fandom pet peeve I've had for a while now.
Who can answer me this question: What is up with this icon fad in which the icon contains text that is so small YOU CAN'T FREAKIN READ IT!!!!!!!! *pants, fumes* I mean, seriously! I'm sure this doesn't bother some people and some may think this looks cool, but I am one of those people that would really like to know what is being SAID on those icons, but I CAN'T because the words are TOO SMALL!!!! It's like a minor form of torture!
Husband: "Why can't you just enlargen them? Then you'll know what they say."
Me: *dramatic pause as this sinks in* "Because that's way too much work! I shouldn't have to alter someone's icon to understand it!"
Husband: *slinks back into the shadows because the world of internet fandom and the fanbrats that thrive there scare him*
So yeah. I was ok with the heart fad (sticking that damn heart on every icon), the X fad (same but with X), the ORLY fad, and all the other icon fads that come and go. But this fad is just plain annoying.
Anyone else agree with me?
In fandom news: I am thoroughly VERY frustrated with an IY-Community-Which-I-Shall-Not-Name for reasons that I shall not say for fear of offending. Meanwhile, I've so far completed ONE WHOLE PARAGRAPH of this month's flashfic. The plot bunnies for this keep bouncing around in my head and they seem really cool, but my muses are telling me that actually writing it is proving to be more boring than it actually is. Bleh :P At least, after many, many months, I've FINALLY finished chapter 4 of Amaryllis. Now I shall spend many more months editing the crap out of said chapter before handing it over to my beta reader to read. (I hope it doesn't take that long but, ya know...) Any attempts at writing anything else is lost to the wind at this moment...
Back to work now.