It's Alfbie Hour!

Aug 18, 2006 08:45

Nifty thing snagged from quirkyslayer

Isn't it cool? Some of you may have seen this pic of me before. Some of you haven't. Meh. It's ok, I guess. My normally white, naturally straight teeth look really bad in this pic for some reason. All yellowy and stuff *shudders* My glasses are crooked. Meh. Behind me, my son Tyler (then 13 months old--this was taken around Christmas) was mercilessly tugging on my hair while my husband's hands hold him in place. Ironically, I adore getting my picture taken, but not very many pictures get taken of me. Everyone thinks that because I am shy I wouldn't want my picture taken. Meh. I look better in photos than I do in rl, so...

Anyway, about the meme. Everyone says I look like Halle Berry, so I was a little suprised when she didn't show up in this collage. Oh well.

Now, for another meme about me!

The Rules:
List six (6) things about yourself.
Tag six (6) people, no tagging back.

1. I'm weird with food because I will not share it with ANYONE. If you take a bite out of something and offer me a bite, I'll outright refuse. (I will take it, though, if you tear or cut off an unbitten chunk and offer it to me.) If you drink something and expect me to take a sip, you're out of your mind. I won't even do this will family because I'm weird like that. Yeah, you're family, but I still don't want your germs! The only exception with this is my husband because if I can kiss him (among other things), then I better damn well be able to share food with him comfortably! Sometimes I'll share food with Tyler if he hasn't slobbered all over it, but being offered somewhat whole, still-dry food from a toddler is still a rare occurance so I usually don't. And with him being the Prince of Backwash, I never share my drinks with him :P

2. When I get anxious, I move my jaw and wiggle my foot.

3. I graduated the top of my class, but people often times take me as the shy ditz. Why? I get so nervous around people (especially people I find intimidating, people I'm trying to impress, or really important people). My attempts to seem cool always blow up on my face. I ask really stupid questions. I make really stupid comments. My mind blanks out at times when I need to say something or do something. I just act really stupid and sometimes I go home very depressed over it. This happens online as well, so if I say something really dumb, don't mind me. That's what my Laguna (Uh...) icon is for (I'm like him in a lot of, strange at times, an aspiring writer, but generally an idiot).

4. I try to keep my own personal life issues to myself. I don't like burdening people with my problems and I've learned, many times, that relying on someone for help usually gets you burned in the end. I've seemingly alienated my family over this, (and they being upset is entirely understandable--I'm quite a shitty daughter and sister) but I dunno. Sometimes I'll let it go on LJ, but I hold back a lot of times. Who wants to hear about my problems? Problems so complex that most people don't know how to respond to them? Problems that people can't relate to? Meh, whatever.

5. I apologize A LOT. Even when I know something's not my fault, I still do it. I don't like people being angry with me, so I often overdo it on making sure that isn't the case. I also say "what?" sometimes when someone asks me something, even when I heard them perfectly. I don't know why I do this, to be quite honest. I guess there are some things I want someone to say more than once, I dunno. Quite strange.

6. I used to have an adoration with hamsters. For every day of my life, since I was 13, I've always had a least one pet hamster. I stopped back in 2004 shortly after having Tyler because I couldn't care for them like I should. My priorities changed from pet caregiver to mother, and with it the decision to give up this "staple" of mine. Perhaps someday I'll have a hamster again. Right now I have no desire for one.

I wasn't tagged for this, but I did it anyway 'cause I'm a dork like that, lol. If you want to do this, go ahead, but I'm not tagging anyone. I'm sure everyone on my f-list has done this already anyway.


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