Доктор Андреас Умланд, сотрудник Стэнфордского, Гарвардского и Оксфордского университетов, автор "Вашингтон пост", Wall Street Journal, Financial Times пишет в своей последней статье пишет об Украине:
The Western public would again start to see Ukraine as a country “in between” democracy and authoritarianism, and not as a state firmly committed to European values. Ukraine would slide into the category of countries like Moldova, Georgia or Armenia - semi-democracies that the EU hopes to include some day, but regards today far from rife to be offered a membership perspective. It is not some selected Ambassadors or EU officials, but the people of Europe - including the Ukrainians themselves - whom the new political leadership of Ukraine will have to convince of its commitment to democracy and the rule of law.
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