Salvation of the World will come from Russia…

Feb 07, 2023 17:58

In Defense of Grigori Grabovoi and the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi

Many prophets and clairvoyants of different times and peoples testified that the salvation of the World will come from Russia…

Edgar Cayce, 1877 - 1945, American clairvoyant, healer

We live in a time when polar events occur... polar - both with a plus sign and with a minus sign; when people are divided according to beliefs also at opposite poles ... The harvest of the Lord is under way now, the grains and tares are separated... The Judgment of the Lord is coming. The time has come. Because the way we lived before - in a dormant state, without realizing what we are doing, it is impossible to continue living like this. We have come to the end of this path. On the one hand, possible man-made disasters, including nuclear ones, it doesn't matter whether they are explosions due to malfunctions at nuclear power plants or the possible use of nuclear weapons, on the other hand, the so-called dehumanization, that is, moral decline to such a degree, when the concepts of «what is «good» and what is «bad» not only do not have clear edges, but are easily replaced by each other... People are pitted against each other, creating wars, for the purpose of profit and population reduction, ascribe many genders to the human race, legalize the transition from one sex to another, making experiments even on children - for this purpose, whole institutions are being created, for example, in the USA, homosexual couples have become the norm, etc. Unfortunately, it is possible to continue examples of such bacchanalia indefinitely.

All this already happened before… If you believe the Bible, and there is no reason not to believe, then Sodom and Gomorrah - two biblical cities - were famous for extreme debauchery and a general decline in morals. The concept of "sodomy" originated from the name of the first city.

The angel takes Lot and his family out of the city

So these two cities were destroyed by God. Moreover, according to the legend described in the Bible, the Lord was ready to have mercy on these cities if there were at least ten righteous people in them… As a result, a few righteous people were taken out of these cities, and all the rest suffered the Punishment of the Almighty…

Currently, the enforced decline in morals and the cult of death are aggravated by the presence of nuclear weapons.

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi in his monograph "LIVING COSMOSOCIOLOGY OF SPIRITUAL CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF RUSSIA", published in 2001 writes about the eco-catastrophe of a modern sick society:

"We are witnessing the rapid development of science and technology, which has led all of us to an eco-catastrophe. Only a miracle can save us. The proposed miracle does not contradict either the laws of Nature, the laws of society, or the laws of their interaction. The miracle contradicts our outdated ideas about these laws, about our capabilities, about the very phenomenon of the miracle of finding a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. The miracle is in ourselves, in our creative abilities to build a harmonious society of the future, in what is called the “spark of God” of our talents, which we have not yet truly understood. The time has come to change the whole system of our ideas about the world in general, but especially about the world of our society, about the world of our opinions about society and our society itself, for which we need to change ourselves, in this case, our social essence, to find ideas about the personality of a sociologist and the personality of a scientist, engineer, doctor, personality in general, in his/her relationship with society, as well as the interdependence of society and the life of nature, the life of the Cosmos."

At present, it is not for nothing that it is referred to as the last times, I repeat - everyone should make a choice. Otherwise, we can't survive. The battle between the dark and light forces is going on for every human Soul... and this battle is taking place in ourselves. The world is changing rapidly and it depends only on ourselves what it will be. From all together and from each separately. Because we influence each other and everything around us, the entire external reality, because everything in the world is interconnected. That is, the external reality changes simultaneously with the change in the consciousness of people and everyone individually. We are constantly making choices, every day, every minute. And no one can know in advance how his choice will affect everyone…

It would seem that there is nothing heroic in openly and calmly not allowing yourself to be used to advertise the LGBT community, as our compatriot hockey player Ivan Provorov, who lives and plays for the NHL in the USA, did. But for Americans who, apparently, are so afraid of seeming intolerant - it turned out to be a heroic act and now in the USA Provorov has more than 100 million fans, T-shirts with his name were sold out in an instant, etc. And he just refused to wear a "rainbow" T-shirt and in an interview simply and with dignity said that he respected the choice of other people, and explained his position by saying that the Russian Orthodox faith does not allow him to wear rainbow T-shirts. Thus, he calls on everyone to respect his choice, too.

Ivan Provorov

Provorov's words not only did not go unnoticed by the public outside the field of hockey, but also provoked a great discussion in American society. So, the popular Fox News TV host Tucker Carlson directly called the Russian player a "hero":

"A hero. It's sad that it took a foreigner to say it out loud. There are a lot of Americans in hockey, but none of them said a word about it. What happened to their self-esteem?"

And what happened to the self-esteem of Europeans?

Russia practically alone, as a state, today opposes fascism and the ideology of the dehumanization of the collective West. Although, of course, we have enough problems ourselves… The Fifth Column with its foreign agents inculcates its ideology of death, slander and Satanism… Therefore, it is necessary to be able to understand information, analyze it and not allow your consciousness to be manipulated.

This is again to the question that the struggle is now going on for every Soul. Those in power make Evil so attractive through the creation of films, for example, through literature - especially for children and teenagers ... It is enough to recall at least such a popular "Twilight" ...

God cannot make decisions for people. God created man in His Own Image and Likeness and gave him Free Will. The eternal Creator creates the eternal according to the type of uniformity of information creation. Therefore, a human must express HIS collective will to ETERNAL LIFE according to the Commandments of the Lord…

Above all, there should be a CREATOR GOD, and not the power of money, which leads nowhere. People themselves, for the most part, voluntarily have to come to this. Then there will be a shift in the collective consciousness.

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi already described everything in 2001 and formulated our main tasks at this stage of human development:


"TRUE RELIGION IS FOCUSED ON CONTRIBUTING TO THE CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUL, BODY AND SOCIETY. And it is not only “oriented” - meaning by God and His Prophets, but also orients the soul-spirit-consciousness-actions of people in the organization of their own lives, and the life of society and nature. Religion is thus the main form of self-organization of people's lives in all three of these spheres: individual=social =cosmoplanetary. The living cosmosociology of religion raises this tripartite unity to a qualitatively new level.

Here there is also a rapprochement, and then a merger into one multifaceted living knowledge of religion-art-science. In a higher, life-giving consciousness, this division simply does not exist. At this level of consciousness, it will be easier to more deeply understand Christ himself, Who called for the development = perfection of man, his soul and spirit, for the realization of our Divine essence, which will allow us to live a fuller, true=A creative Life here and now, in that “Kingdom of God” that is “within us", and not in “that” world. To live = to create here and now is the great, Divine wisdom (which, in particular, spiritualizes both Ecosophy, and the Living logic of Creativity, and Living Knowledge in general). Only such a person will be able to create Life in the true sense, i.e. to fulfill the role of not a passive “servant of God”, but his active creative, although, of course, a junior co-author who has begun to realize his talents=his “Spark of God”, more fully realizing the Creator's plan, including in the creation of society “according to the will of God.”

Those who will be able to rise to this level will form a Conciliar community of Co-creators; with their combined creative efforts, they will be able to organize the societal = crisis development of society, form the creative development of society on the basis of a common joint (self) improvement of the creative potentials of the maximum number of members of society, including through the improvement of the technologies necessary for this. Such a group should become a reference for the rest of society. Then we will be able to harmoniously develop the entire eco-social system into the Noosphere - the sphere of the Divine Mind that creates the world.

So, the main task of both religion and the Living Cosmosociology of religion is the development of man into a God-man, and modern humanity into God-manhood, which should also be served by new technologies aimed at removing the threat of eco-catastrophe. Then we will be able to transform Life (our own and society's) on a spiritual (and not material) basis. All forms of Life will benefit from this, thanks to which our material life will be filled with a new, spiritual = creative meaning =content."


Elena Dagunts

February 6, 2023

grigori grabovoi, religion of grigori grabovoi, grigori grabovoi's teaching on salvation, eternal life

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