May 02, 2006 18:44
my tummy hurts- it's very hungry.
all I've eaten today is:
rice cakes (160 cals)
diet dr. pepper x 2 (0 cals)
properl x 3 (30 cals)
jello x 6 (30 cals)
220 cals.
not bad, but I wanted to be fasting.
anyhow- I was eating almonds for protein for a while there. Wendy told me that I need to be eating 85g-100g of protein a day- so I started trying to get that. Then I remember that I was losing majority of my weight from not eating at all, so I scrapped that idea. But damn, I love almonds. I left a tin here the other day, but I think that Ry ate them.
so the wedding's on then- december 8th. SO STOKED!
can't wait to see how all the planning and everything goes.
anyhow. my stomach still hurts. If I can make it till 8:00 then I should be able to get to the tanning salon, then Timmies and get a tea. Tea will make me feel better.
wish me luck.