I think I posted a few months ago about some of the things I was learning for Tai Chi. Obviously this post cannot replace actually attending lessons, but it helps me remember things between lessons.
One of the things I am trying to do now is learn the first 14 forms with the official counting assigned by my teacher (aka "Sifu").
The moves themselves are shown here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwMqWFmbzdgYou will notice straight away that Fiona stops between each move so that we can see the separation between the positions. This is a "segmented" version. As you get better then you can flow between the forms more smoothly. Basically I need to be able to do this whilst counting 1-2-3 (or sometimes 1-2-3-4-5) I only have to learn the counts for the first 14 forms - which on this video is completed after 3 minutes. I've got it mostly right, but every time I make a mistake I have to find somewhere to start again.
The other thing I need to learn a bit better are the self defence applications. I don't actually have to be any good in a fight, thankfully, but I need to know how three of five basic positions can help in certain circumstances.
Play Guitar is the basic on guard stance of Tai Chi. It has two main uses. One is to "catch" an arm punching you and lock it. Another is to take the elbows of someone with their hands round your neck and push one up and pull one down. Yes - this is the same form!
Parry and Punch - If someone punches you then step diagonally forward (to the left) while touching a punching arm with your left. (You don't need to actually push it away but it helps to have your hand there if you aren't moving fast enough). This leaves your right arm ready to give them a glancing punch in the liver. SLOWLY in class.
White Crane Spreads Its Wings -
If someone grabs both your arms then you can use this to your advantage. One hand up (r) and one hand down (l). You lean forward slightly and maybe slap their face if it is in reach. Twist your left wrist so as to hurt their grip and if the are still holding on then rotate your hips to the left throwing them.
Brush Knee - Step to the side of a punch while using Play Guitar (both hands up) - typically right hand pushes the punch slightly to the side while *sticking*. Foot and hand goes down - thus lowering the attackers arm. Weight forward will push your opponent's elbow forward twisting them and putting them off balance. This is finished with the brush knee itself which is that you twist from your hips and use that momentum to push your opponent over.
And one more I have forgotten.