May 18, 2006 21:29
i went to Maine the past weekend with cate and her family. it was really fun actually......we just hung out with mary jane all weekend haha, and colored A LOT. it was really fun though, defiantely good to get away for a weekend and be really lazy. i worked sunday and monday and tuesday, and tuesday this girl torri from my town died in a horrible horrible car accident. its wicked sad and its sara's ex girlfriedn so shes upset about it which makes me sad <3. then i went to cates, and watched how to loose a guy in 10 days. i love that movie its seriosuly so good. iv been blazed this whole week, literally. oh well. wednsday me and sara went to go pick matt up in quincy and he got his motorcycle registered so that was cool then we went to the dome and hung out for a while. went home decently early actually. today i woke up super early at like 8am...and went and picked up sara from school and we went to the beach all day. then we picked up her sexy friend dan and we went to minot beach and the rock.....and we almost turned into an island too bad we didnt or i wouldnt have had to go to work. today was awesome though, the wheather was beautiful and i got a lil sunburn on my face from beng at the beach all day :o). yay
comment somebody, let me know if anyone reads this garbage