People come and people go. It's the cycle of life. We are saddened by the loss of those people, whether by death or by change of address, or simply a difference in interests. We remember them and miss them on occasion, but life goes on. We welcome the new friendships, the new people in our lives and new interests. With each person, each experience, each lesson in life, we learn, we grow and become better people. Hopefully so, anyway.
I had lunch with an angel today. Two of them actually. One of them slept through the whole meal, and the other had me smiling and remembering the good times that we used to share. She glowed with a pearlescent light, one that only new mothers seem to have. I know that Liv did when Milo was born, (and still does) and Amy certainly did today. Yes, Freddikins and her little bundle of joy joined me for lunch today. We had a great time, even though she kept trying to steal food off of my plate. She can certainly eat a lot. I'll probably get smacked for that comment next time I see her. Haha! I can't wait. I still have to answer some of your questions, namely when and where, right?
At the end of the month I'll be going to Collectormania 7 in England. The only bad thing about it is that I'm not sure if Liv will go with me. I'll miss her and Milo, but that will make coming home that much sweeter. She's got some movie stuff coming up, but she'll cover that in her own journal.
Steph, I hope you know what you're doing. Call me if you need me.
Marc, hope you're still around. I miss you, man.
Anyone else can reach me at my new SN: AlxSDenisof
[Temp player gave me the journal, same basic storylines. Anything else is open for discussion.]