TheBest and Worst of 2008

Dec 27, 2008 21:39

Happy New Year to everyone! Since I'll probably forget, I'm posting this now, another edition of the best and worst of the year. This year's been a doosyas far as trial and losses, but I'm still standing and god is leading me to become everything He wants me to be. So, without further ado...

The Best and Worst of 2008

The Best

Best Surprise: My first job.

Best Night: Dec. 5th, when I celebrated my 5th spiritual birthday.

Best Trip: To an unknown cave. Though it was unpleasant, I learned a great deal about myself there.

Best Church Event: Our first Women’s Rally, brought together by the brilliant Melissa Kossack.

Best News Story: The election of our first black president, having been able to vote for the first time.

Best Accomplishment: Getting the job at Aplebee’s and loving every minute of it.

Best New Artist: David Cook, another American Idol

Best Moment of Faith: Many…I’ve grown a lot this year spiritually, understanding things I didn’t know a few years ago.

Best Songs: Time of my Life by David Cook , Love Story by Taylor Swift, Healer and Desert Song by Hillsong, Give me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath, and The Altar and the Door by Casting Crowns

Best New Hobby: Video-making

Best Album: The Altar and the Door by Casting Crowns

Best New Show: Eleventh Hour

Best Movie: Mamma Mia! and The Duchess

Best Story: Many short stories based from an LJ community I found

Best Book: Hadassah: One Night with the King

Best New Discovery: The discovery of God as my Lover

Best Day: Again my birthday…I was incredible to spend it with my co-workers and family.

The Worst

Worst Event: Severing ties with both my boyfriend of a year and a half and a good friend…all in one summer.

Worst Day: The ones where my migraines interfered with church

Worst Night: The nights I grieved over the loss of friends

Worst Feeling: The feeling of longing…to be with someone again and to actually be pursued.

Worst News Story: The failing economy.

Worst Surprise: See WORST EVENT.

Worst Book: None

Worst Story: “Lily of the Valley’, Camelot Angel’…and now my Tudor story…all still unfinished.

Worst Songs: None really

Worst Moment of Faith: Probably my foolishness regarding Pastor Jeff…feeling like I was somewhat forgotten…at least I talked it through with him.

Worst New Artist: None

Worst Accomplishment: See WORST STORY

2008, new year, best and worst

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