What is fiction?

May 01, 2011 17:14

Fiction is any piece of work that is shaped by a writer. It can be a poem, novel, short story, article, or even a movie. Fiction is by far my favorite type of literature. It has so much depth to it. There are numerous different dramas within fiction as well. That is what I like about it so much. There are so many different possibilities when it comes to fiction. The writer is free to write whatever they want however they want it. Reading a piece of fiction allows the audience to see a special part of the writer that we do not get to see in a piece of nonfiction and other works. We get a chance to see the writer’s imagination, soul, and personality. It amazes me to see what they come up with too. Stories like, Fight Club, Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, and Gone Baby Gone, are so complex and epic that sometimes I find it hard to believe that these stories are in fact not real at all. In fiction, we get the chance to become a part of the character’s life. It is always so fascinating to me to consider how attached I become to the characters in fiction works. For example, in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, I feel like I am in the story as I read it. By the end of the series I found myself craving for more. I could not accept the fact the story was over and I was crying like a baby. That is the beauty of fiction though. The authors have the opportunity to create something that will change people’s lives.
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