Having some dialog malfunctions... Didn't want to mess up the end of the chapter too bad so I decided to hold off for a day. There should be 4 comics up tomorrow.
I seriously have almost no good pictures of these characters, everything is either really dated or only in sketch version or of some really random side character... so last night I sat down to draw with the express purpose of making a nice group shot.
The composition is a little off, I may redraw it at some point in the way future but overall its not too bad. Probably going to slap some colors on so I can finally say I have a nice group shot. Decided to post the raw scan of the pencils without any editing so you can see all that messy blue XD Despite having done a preparatory composition sketch beforehand!
Now onto more srs concerns:
I've been noticing that there are a lot more Zhao fans out there, esp due to Rufftoon's comics. Now I'm not saying that since I was here first I'm a better fan than you, but I think he's been out of circulation so long that people have this very idealized version of what they think Zhao is like. Its very easy for people to become fans of a character who, shirtless, looks like this:
All I'm suggesting is that for the sake of keeping the erroneous fangirlisms to a minimum, you may only obsess over Zhao if you think this shirtless version is also hawt:
This is all for lulz btw, if we're going to fangasm over him we might as well idealize a little. As much as I love ruff's comics I have a sneaking suspicion that actual women would run for miles to avoid him. XD Think about it... he was thinking about killing the moon off since he was like 20! Thats crazy!