Here you can find links to my LJ entries where I shared my scans. These scans are done by yours truly for the point of spreading tenipuri love. I do not mind if you snag them, use them for graphics or simply giggle about them but please do not hotlink. That said, feel free to take these for your enjoyment or translation purposes. I have no such skills so I'm afraid I cannot offer any help in that area. (I try, but it's the incredibly pretty pictures that get me.)
I also must strongly encourage tenipuri fans to Buy These Books. They are seriously awesome. Scans (super HQ or super dusty LQ like mine) simply cannot compare to the real thing.
Enough Lecturing! On to the links!
Kanzenban Season 2 - All of Season 2 has been scanned! \o/
Volume 1 ||
Volume 2 ||
Volumes 3 & 4 ||
Volumes 5 & 6 ||
Volumes 7 & 8 ||
Volumes 9 & 10 ||
Volumes 11 & 12 Season 2 Concept Notes PairPuri - I will probably not post any of my scans of PP1-5 because there are really, really good scans already out there.
PairPuri 06 PairPuri 07 PairPuri 08 PairPuri 09PairPuri 10 I may or may not add more as Season 3 gets released. Enjoy!