Dang, the fact that I've started something today made me keep wanting to type "Monday" or "November 1st" up at the top of this post... it's funny how deeply ingrained the idea of something like Monday as the start of the week can get.
What I started, of course, is publishing flash stories. The first one is now up on both
Fantasy In Miniature and
Tumblr... I first created a Tumblr to try to "syndicate" my flash stories in a different way, but never actually got very far with that. What I'm going to do now is cross-post all the new stories there, and "re-run" a story on the in-between days. Tumblr makes this pretty easy... at the same time I posted today's story, I set up a queue for the next two days.
Actually, since I have the stories written in advance I could be queuing up the Wordpress posts and Tumblr posts for the next few weeks, and I will probably do that in advance of hectic times and holidays and such, but right now I'd rather keep FIM stuff as part of my routine.
Eventually, I will run out of old stories to put up, but I do hope to build to a pace that's greater than ten times a month for flash stories, maybe eventually reaching the point where I can do so daily or every weekday or something like that. If you're already a writer of fiction, writing flash is as much about cultivating habits as it is about cultivating art. I have these ~*stories*~ in my head that I can sum up in a sentence or two, but those sentences aren't a story. I need to get in the habit of writing those stories out as stories.
One of the things I've noticed is that when I'm trying to build a backlog of flash stories I tend to avoid the "easy" ones, the She-And-I stories and other simple dialogues. I guess I start out feeling like it would be cheating to break them out too early, or that I might end up using them to inflate the count... but then I end up sitting on ideas, and not writing leads to... not writing. So that's something to be aware of.
Doing okay.
None memorable.
I got today's FIM posted and the Tumblr stuff squared away. I'm going to write out another flash story that's been bouncing around my head, and then put in a couple of hours on Tales of MU.
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