A quiet morning

Sep 13, 2010 07:34

I'm working on moving the office to our new location this morning. Its quiet around here because my boss is out of town and I'm trying to decide what to do with stuff. I think that's why moving is so traumatic because you have to make a million little decisions about everything you own and its like de-cluttering. All the objects have stories and as a writer you are weak when it comes to a story even if its of some object that doesn't really mean all that much and certainly doesn't deserve a home in your house.

Jason and I are trying to have fewer things. It's easier to keep a house clean that way and we can't afford new furniture to store everything in so out a lot of it has to go. The truth is that whats important in the world is really the people and experiences in it. Photographs and memories don't take up all that much room (especially once you've digitized them) but all of this crap that everyone is always trying to sell us really does.

My favorite thing to de-clutter in the world is the Tupperware storage we have. Everyone has more tupperware type items than they need because again we are obsessed with keeping stuff and that includes lots of food that just rots in the back of your refrigerator. My goal is to have only enough nice tupperware to use in cooking or to save a handfull of precooked meals - anything beyond that is just waiting to get forgotten in the back of the fridge and become something unpleasant you have to deal with later. This sounds like a metaphor for something else but I've only had one cup of coffee so far and I don't think its kicked in yet.

So someone posted a comment to my livejournal that had nothing to do with the post they commented on. I'm wondering if it was an accident because it was harry potter related and god knows that I love harry potter but I deleted it anyway because I'd prefer to get comments that have something to do with what I wrote. I'm thinking about posting a story here, so let me know if you are interested. If not I'll just continue to write about my life and I guarantee that fiction is more interesting LOL.

clutter moving

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