Hot Hot Heat

Aug 25, 2010 11:13

When do you know that its time to call the AC repairman? When your cat is panting, its three thirty in the morning, your bed is sweaty and its eighty five degrees in your house. Yup, poor Monkey the cat is panting. I've only in my life seen a cat pant twice. I slept not at all last night, though I did work on my romance novel yesterday afternoon when Jason and I spent a couple hours writing at the cafe down the street from the house because it was too hot to be IN the house. I'm very glad I set up the automatic timers on the watering front because otherwise I would not go out there. I'm sorry. Plants MIGHT get lucky enough to get watered this evening if i'm not suffering from heat stroke by then, but the AC guy is coming this afternoon and maybe he can help. Everything crossed. Obligatory entry. Nothing to see here. So is anyone reading this and do they want to see the first re-written chapter of Merin? Hummmmnnn?
Well we shall see who answers then won't we?


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