Don't act like a snobby model you just hit the lotto

Jun 23, 2009 11:00

So i do believe that i may be an alcoholic, which is bad because im only 19 and also i know that drinking doesn't solve anything but i still do it. The worse thing is that i have no self control, i honestly do think that if i was left alone with a bunch of drinks i could potentially drink myself to death. IDK thou, brett thinks that if he is not around when im drinking then i will die, this whole situtation is awful. i feel like a fat person...u know how they say "i eat because im fat and im fat bc i eat" well im that way but with alcohol... i think.
The last time i did drink i hyper-ventlented so bad brett was trying to get a hold of mi madre to ask her what to do. But besides that, i feel so much better drunk, that is a horrible thing to say, but its true. When im sober im so anixous and stressed out it makes sense why i would enjoy a relief from it.

sadness, alcohol

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