Mar 17, 2009 16:23
Sooo this past weekend was...enjoyable. I went to rodchester with Brett and his family for TJ's wrestling thing...and holy shit there were sooo many people there! Ok the gym was about the size of kennedy's activity center (if not smaller) and there were over a thousand lil kids in the wrestling match alone! Ok so over a thousand kids +parents +siblings +cocahes = myself about to braf. I couldn't move at all! then there were these very large assholes getting mad at me for bumping into them!!! wtF! how about you loose some fucking weight or maybe next time don't come to an event where ppl are likey to be bumping into you, its not my fucking fault this wrestling match is clearly overbooked with ppl. argh! and poor lil TJ! he is only 7 and his dad, Tim, was being a super dick to him because he ALMOST lost a match. argh! anyway aside from the wrestling part, the rest of the weekend was fun, Brett myself and his family went to this really fun resturant and the food was really good! I think the only reason why Tim was being a dick was because he was hungry hahaha cuz after we ate he was cool again and he got me n Brett some captain and coke, my fav, lol. but omg! i have no tolerance to drink anymore :( i felt so sick afterward....which really sucks, that says how much i don't drink anymore.
So now zak is finally done being a dick to me...for now, and we hung out and talked a few days ago and i found out that he does weed like every weekend! and i was wtF?! it feels like everyone but myself has at least tried it now....i know its not true but thats juss how i feel..