Dec 16, 2005 01:41
"A good negotiator knows that instead of fighting for a bigger piece of the pie, it's best to focus on making a bigger pie so everyone prospers."
Example Case (Failure):
Donald Trump: I based my company, and in fact, I've based my whole life around really good people. It's very important to me. This isn't just a television show, this is about hiring somebody for a long period of time, it could be a year, it could be a lot longer then a year. We don't know where it is going to lead. So, I just want you to understand, this is not entertainment, this is for me, is very important. For alot of other people, it is about entertainment, for me, it's really very important.
Now, Randal, you've been outstanding. I've rarely seen education like you have. I've have a great education, you blow me away. You blow everybody away, and I'm very very impressed. Not only did you go to the great schools, you got great marks at those great schools. And I respect education, as Rebecca was saying before. We both respect education.
Likewise, Rebecca, you have great education. Your very smart. You really handle pressure well. I'm amazed at how well you handle pressure. In all fairness, Randall, she broke an ankle. Most people, male or female, would have just said, "I'm going home to mom." Most people. She didn't even think of it. You never even thought about it, did you Rebecca?
Rebecca: Not once (random applause)
DT: I love the way you handled pressure. Through out the entire 15 weeks, nobody better. I really am a little bit dubious as to your loyalty. In one case, I have great respect for the way you stuck up for Toral. In another case, I don't know why you were stucking up for her so much. But you know what, ultimately, your loyalty was really wonderful.
Randal, your an amazing leader. Amazing! Rarely on this..... (Random applause) Rarely have I seen a leader as good as you. And you lead through niceness! I mean you really lead through example. And I think you'd be first to admit that Rebecca.
Rebecca: Of Course.
DT: People follow Randal. Whenever there is a choice, "We want Randal." I mean it just happened four, or five times. I've never seen anything quite like it. Rebecca, you're outstanding. Randal..... You're hired!
(Huge applause, all that good stuff.. Cheering, Randal celebrating with the team.)
DT: Randal! Hey Randal! Sit down for a second, I want to ask for your opinon. (applause finally ends) I mean, you two were so good. I have to ask Randal's opinion. What did you think of Rebecca?
Randal: Mr Trump, Rebecca has done an outstanding job through out this interview process. I think she has much to be proud of. I think there is a lot of supporters for Rebecca. I can't say enough postitive things about her.
DT: Let me ask you a question. And you, I really respect you and I respect your opinion. If you were me, would you hire Rebecca also? (As a side note, Alla, Felisha, and Josh in the back shake their heads no. While Adam and others applaud and shake head yes. Markus stares blankly to the side, as if he doesn't get it. Glad some things haven't changed)
Randal: Mr Trump, I firmly believe that this is the Apprentice. That there is one and only one Apprentice. If you're going to hire someone tonight, it should be one.
DT: Okay (random mix of Cheers and boos)
Randal: It's not the Apprenti, its the Apprentice. (Random Laughing)
DT: I am going to leave it at that. I think I could have been convinced. But you feel that is the way it should be? I will take your advice. Congratulations.
Randal: I think that's the way it should be.
DT: Okay, I'm going to leave it that way. (shakes hands with Randal, then Rebecca) Congratulations.
Rebecca: That's unfortunate.
I cannot believe that Randal would be so overtaken by his emotions that he would fail to take a packaged wrapper opportunity to show the entire country that he could be noble and selfless. What kind of man can praise his opponent to that degree and fail to hire her when prompted to do so?
I do not know the answer. I never will. I just hope that I never make the same mistake.