I guess I have to blame the bandwagon on this one, but I've been really into Héctor Lavoe ever since I saw a profile on the Marc Anthony/JLo movie "El Cantante" which profiles his life. I don't know why, but I've always enjoyed music from artists who have dealt with serious drug problems and been able to release excellent music. From Cash to Ray to GnR and now Lavoe. For those not in the know, he was a pioneer for the Salsa movements from the 60s to the 80s, he had one of those incredible relationships with his wife (albeit a self-destructive one), until his flame ended up dying out.
Work's been good, I'm stretching myself out as thin as possible. I get up in the mornings to work on any graphic work I have to do, by 3 I'm gettin ready to head out to teach English classes. I teach from 5-6 and I'm back in Bavaro by 7. Head to the gym until 8:30 at which time I head to the posh houses to tutor some clients in English. I get home at around 10pm at which time I usually make something to eat and chill out in front of the television or listening to music.
The work's been progressing, I'm still chipping away at the whole graphic/publicity work, but I have a few other promising side jobs that I'd be interested in seeing get off the ground. Everything from accessories to setting up Recycling centre in the tourist areas of Bavaro-Punta Cana.
This past month HAS been crazy, work, social life has been good, family life has been lacking, etc etc. Although this weekend I'm taking off to the capital. Going to get some work done there, and hopefully spend some time with my family, it's Father's Day in the DR this weekend (why, I don't know) so I'll make sure to pay my family with some Lip Service.
I'd like to point out that I hate looking back at my archives and seeing gaps in my entries. I almost threw in the towel on this journal thing, but as always, the attention-seeking I do tends to beat out any sort of melodramatic reasons why I may not be writing. I'm by no means saying I'm going to write MORE, but I'll look at it as an option, capice?
My name is sugar sweat sweet as a candy shop,