Yo I rock for the thugs rock for the hipsters
Rock for the backpack niggaz holding their fists up
Spit it for them ignorant niggaz sipping from pimp cups
Chicken heads with wonder bras holding their tits up
Jigs up, Naledge in the house tonight
And I got what it takes to make you feel alright
And the way I feel I could do this shit all night
Double O spinning records while I'm ripping the mic
Kidz in the Hall - "Wassup Jo'"
You know how fuckin annoying it is to WANT to draw or paint and not have fuckin ANYTHING to do it with. Sure I have paper and pencil and even some small brushes with inks. 'Sides that, I don't have a canvas or paints, I don't even have my paint markers.... man if I had that I would be set, I'd grab a fuckin piece of wood and start painting and just fuckin do WHATEVER.
It's my mom's birthday, and I'm missing her quite a bit. Not that we ever did anything incredibly huge for her birthday, but we'd always make sure to spend the day as a family no matter what. Give her a break and arrange all the cooking and cleaning and invites and planning. Anyways, since I'll be missing her birthday, I made arrangements for flowers to be delivered and groceries to be bought, so that I'm not missin out contributing to this special occassion. Feliz Cumpleanos! I know she'll never read that, but it makes me feel better just gettin it out, rather than feelin like Babe, when he loses his mom? You know.
This weekend's been fuckin crazy with tourists. I haven't had much chance to just chill at my local spots with friends. Last night I went to see my buddy Honza spin at Soles. It's great to see someone really get into what they enjoy. You can see his head bouncing up and down, his hands waving in the air. I wonder what kind of look I get when I draw or paint or kick ass.
In other news. I finished a few projects for some clients here, they were happy; also, due to dominican incompetence, I may be able to score a few more for future reference. So that's good. As much as I enjoy making money off people, I do CARE about some of the work I do, I mean, if I'm going to sit down to dedicate myself to something, then I Really SHOULD care about what the hell I'm doin and how it's going to look. That is unfortunately lost to most of the dominican population.
I'm not saying I'm the best, but your moms thinks I am.
For most its common knowledge shit,