Callie/Arizona: Frak me I made icons!

Nov 22, 2009 03:59

3 down, 1 more to go! Exam papers, I mean.
So, yup! I took the liberty to start my weekend off by lying in bed the whole day and making icons of my favorite ladies ♥

I am a variation whore and have been playing around with different types of coloring.
I'm also sharing two icons from 6x07, which I made previously.

[2] GA 6x07; Callie/Arizona - The Hand Holding Scene
[23] GA 6x10; Callie/Arizona, Callie, Arizona

6x07 ~ Give Peace A Chance

[01 & 02]

6x10 ~ Holidaze

[03 - 06]

[07 - 10]

[11 - 14]

[15 - 17]

[18 - 21]

[22 - 25]

Comments are ♥♥♥


No altering or hotlinking

tv: grey's anatomy - arizona robbins, tv: grey's anatomy - callie torres, ship: callie/arizona, icon post

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