I'm a fangirl, hear me FLAIL!

Oct 20, 2009 14:36

Cuddy: I sent this into the state licensing board. I've signed off on all your hours.
House: Why?
Cuddy: Because its easier this way.
House: You're uncomfortable with me.
Cuddy: No. Going by the book was pointless. You were going to learn nothing.
House: Good. I thought it was because of the sexual tension.
Cuddy: There was no sexual tension.
House: There was tension. And it made me feel funny. So...

(Cuddy does that smile she does when she's amused and turned on at the same time though ever so slightly)

Cuddy: Here. (She hands him the slip of paper)
House: Its too bad. I was kinda getting into the whole 'hot for teacher' thing.
Cuddy: You sure you're ok?
House: Yeah. False alarm.

(Cuddy looks at him affectionately and rips his clothes off)

House: What about us?
Cuddy: We're good. Just like this. You press my buttons and I press yours. And along the way I'll press some other buttons too or clean your bellybutton ;)
House: By buttons you mean...(pauses because he's having his eureka moment). Huh.

(House gets up to go save another life, walks past Cuddy, doubles back, stands really close to Cuddy which startles her for a split second and then the best line of the scene ensues i.e. see pic above)

House: You do make me feel funny.

(And he walks out leaving Cuddy who then gives that 'I'm so flattered smile but I'm not going to show it in front of you')

In my little head, of course, he decides to have his way with her in every way possible first. But meh, I'm a sucker for UST and Cuddy's little smiles when he says something sexual that can only be flattering coming from him.

ETA: Just because I can (and because I was bored and upset that I wasted a whole day flailing/sleeping)

Lisa E has the prettiest eyes and eyelashes ♥

And I made a MQ wallie for myself but I figure I'd share :)


pic spam: mini, escapism techniques, damaging signs, tv: house, enthusiast: house/cuddy

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