Ethics Quiz

Jul 07, 2008 14:08

Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No. never done any drugs, and never wanted to.

Abortion: for or against?
Against abortion, but for choice. I'm against it just because I think that you might be engaging in some unhealthy (emotionally, psychologically, physically) behavior if you're seeking an abortion, and especially if you've sought several in your life. But since I don't believe in God, I don't feel that "every sperm is unique" and I don't think that it is equal to murder. I also think that people are going to do it whether or not it's legal, so we're much better off keeping it legal.

Would our country fall with a woman president?
Why would this question even be asked??? What a fucking insult.

Do you believe in the death penalty?
I believe that sometimes people are hard-wired to be nothing but bad, and I don't have a big problem with them being killed. That sounds horrible. But people like Ted Bundy, Paul Bernardo, and John Wayne Gacy have forfeited many of their rights as human beings, and they have no interest in reforming. And even if they had an interest in reforming, from what I've witnessed, their psychological profiles would suggest that that would be impossible. In cases without such extremes, no, I don't think that we should be killing people. I think that we should improve conditions on earth so that we don't have to put people in this position.

Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Not for my own sake, but it does sound like many people who would like to use it for medicinal purposes are unable to do so. Am I interested in providing more 14 yr old skater kids with a life-sucking addiction? No.

Are you for or against premarital sex?
I think people are way to weird about shit like this. I don't understand the benefit of waiting until marriage.

Do you believe in God?
I don't NOT believe in God, but I don't actively believe in him. If I were to find out tomorrow that there is in fact a God, that would be fine. But at this point, I've never seen, heard, or felt him, and I don't like the idea of him as it has been presented to me so far. There is no benefit to me in believing in him.

Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. There is no reason not to.

Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
I think it's wrong that they have no other choice. I think it can cause problems when they come here, and I think that many of them could make choices that would cause less problems, but I don't think it's our right to refuse them entrance.

A 12-year-old girl has a baby... should she keep it?
Assuming that she's like a typical 12 yr old in a typical family, then she should probably give it up for adoption (depending on whether or not her parents would be willing and able to adopt it themselves). I think a 12 yr old girl in the U.S. in 2008 is not equipped with adequate financial support, emotional and mental maturity, and sense of responsibility that I think most parents should have.

Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Sure, whatever. No matter how young you make it, people will still be idiots with alcohol. Sure, if you introduce it earlier and give them small amounts of alcohol during family events, then you probably won't have as much binge drinking in college. But do I think just lowering it to 18 will significantly solve our alcohol problems? No.

Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I know so little about the issues over there, so my opinion is incredibly misinformed (underinformed?). But as it seems to me, we never should have been there, and we need to get out of there as soon as possible...if it would be possible to get out without subjecting ourselves to even worse backlash.

Assisted suicide is illegal ... do you agree?
No. If someone wants to die, let them. Holy shit people, why did we work so hard to keep my grandma alive when she was mid-90's, couldn't chew her own food, had to be strapped into her wheelchair in order stay in it, couldn't speak, didn't know who her own daughter was, probably didn't know who SHE was? What is the point in that? Let them go.

Do you believe in spanking your children?
I was spanked, and never felt like it did anything useful. It didn't deter me from doing something wrong. My dad claims it was a way to snap us back into obedience if we were flipping out momentarily but I don't remember being spanked while throwing a tantrum. I don't remember throwing tantrums in the first place. I only remember getting spanked when he was trying to get us to do something. I don't think it makes your children more obedient, I think it makes them more afraid of you. I didn't do anything I didn't want to do and I still don't. Spanking didn't change that.

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
What does that mean, "judging"? I hate that term. It just means people are forming an opinion of you that you don't like. And they have every right to do that. So do I think people will form opinions of me that I don't like? I don't...really think so. I don't feel like I said anything that radical.
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