This whole Kyle Rittenhouse thing... Why the fuck are minors allowed to own guns in the first place? If you can't even legally smoke, you shouldn't be allowed a gun! In fact, since science says your brain isn't done developing til you're 25, nobody younger than that should be allowed a gun. Or alcohol or cigarettes, either.
(Leave the age of consent where it's at, though, that one's pretty much completely arbitrary, as the age you're ready to have sex at varies from person to person. I was ready when I was 9, with my best friend of the time. Some people aren't ready even when they're 70. So 18 seems like an acceptable compromise.)
Anyway, back to guns. I really don't think anyone should be allowed to have them, at least here in the US since we seem to be culturally unable to produce responsible gun owners. But for sure minors shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them!
"OH BuT cArs ArE DeAdLY AS welL" Yeah and that's not their primary function. Cars exist for transportation. The fact they're deadly too is irrelevant. Even a pillow is deadly if used wrong. But a gun's sole purpose is to kill things, and there's nothing in the world today that should be legally killed with a gun.
"oH But HunTERs NEed TO HUNt foR FOod" What utter nonsense. If you can't afford food at a grocery store, go to the food bank. If even that's not enough, you're not going to be able to afford guns, a gun license, a hunting license, travel expenses, etc. And even if you could, fuck you. Plant a fucking garden. Meat may be tasty but unless you've got some medical condition wh
Besides which, I don't give a shit about hunters. If you hunt, for any reason (except indigenous peoples keeping ancient traditions alive, which doesn't involve guns and is therefore irrelevant to this topic) then I don't give a fuck about you, you don't matter. Because guns are too dangerous to be allowed to exist, and if I had to throw you lying hunters under a few buses to achieve that goal, I would do it in a heartbeat. Even if I had to literally throw you under a bus to do it. Given how many children and other innocent people have died just in the past few years from guns, a few dead hunters is a small price to pay for stopping the violence.
"OH bUt yoU CAN STiLL KiLL peOPle WiTh KnIvEs" If someone can mow down 20 people in just a minute or two with knives, they probably deserve a medal for such an impressive feat. Because killing someone with a knife is very difficult, takes close proximity or a high level of skill at knife throwing. But killing lots of people with a gun doesn't take any skill or brains at all; even a literal fucking toddler could do it! (Hell, more people die per year from toddlers shooting them to death than die from shark attacks, cow attacks, and dog attacks combined!)
You also have to be able-bodied to kill with a knife, as well. Especially if you're trying to kill a lot of people. But hand an AK-47 to somebody with MS and once they get pointed in the right direction, I think even they could manage to do something as easy as pull a trigger to murder a whole slew of people. Hell, if their finger's on the trigger, a bad enough shake could have them killing people by accident. Being killed accidentally by a knife is possible, but it's not easy. You pretty much have to fall on the thing, and even then it's not a guarantee.
So in short, if I had the power to melt all guns down with my mind and prevent any more being made, I would. And it would be a good thing. Because fuck guns, and fuck the dipshits who love them. Fuck them up the ass with a running chainsaw!
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