From a message sent to someone earlier, in response to my thoughts on the situation here in the US:
As to the situation in the US... ugh. *Headdesk* Trump should never have been allowed to get past the primaries. He lost the popular vote and yet still "won" because of the Electoral College. I had some hope they would change their minds when they actually voted on December 19th, but that hope was dashed. I honestly hope he and Pence and their entire cabinet die soon. I don't know that impeachment and removal from office would get rid of Pence or the others, and honestly they scare me more than Trump does.
It's a sad state of affairs when someone can be a conman, a criminal, be utterly pants at diplomacy, and be committing treason with the help of a foreign power (Russia in this case), and still get "elected."
Honestly, if we all survive this, the electoral college better damn well be disbanded permanently. It's outdated, designed for the horse-and-buggy days and honestly was a stupid idea even then.
My roommate keeps urging me to leave the country, she wants to do the same. But I have real face-to-face friends here in Portland. If I move anywhere else, that might change. I rarely ever had any f2f friends in my life before, being a weirdo in Iowa of all places (think the suburbs, but with cows). And I like Portland, it's nicely weird, and I love rain. And I've got mental disabilities that affect my physical health, I'm dependent on the government for money. I don't know what I'd do for money in another country. But if the orange diarrhea stain removes or severely cuts Social Security, or adds LGBT people to his concentration camp list, then I'm kinda fucked. So I honestly don't know what to do, and my roommate still hasn't figured out after years living with me that I freeze up in face-to-face talks about serious things, and can't think. I need texts and emails to think properly, and she hates communicating that way.
I've been watching this TV show called Designated Survivor, about this conspiracy in the US government that results in the capitol being bombed with all congressmen, senators, and the President present except for one congressman who had been fired that day for some stupid thing, but he was still the designated survivor, so he becomes President. He wasn't in on it, he's the protagonist, he and his team have to uncover the conspiracy and work to expose it.
I bring that up because the dude who became President because of being the designated survivor, he is a totally awesome President. A good man, with a good heart, does what he thinks is right. Certainly better than anyone we've ever had to my knowledge. Not perfect, who is, but he's got a good heart and his position before that was interesting... he was in charge of HUD, the Housing and Urban Development people, who among other things are the reason I have a place to live that doesn't leave me completely broke all month long. (I live in low income housing.) So yeah, when you're thinking "Hey, I'd rather be in that universe than this one," you know this one is bad.
Trump... he's hiring all these bigots and literal neo-nazis to his cabinet, as well as more billionaires. He ran on the promise of "drain the swamp," but at this rate the ocean is going to reclaim the country. Trump is showing all the historical danger signs of becoming someone like Hitler, it's terrifying. But of course since the Republicans said similar things about Obama, it makes us look like we're overreacting too. But I genuinely don't believe we are. Fuck, now I'm half convinced they did that shit on purpose with this goal in mind. I say half convinced because so many of the GOP were outspoken against Trump during the election, I doubt they were in on it.
Terrifying. Even if he's only as bad as Reagan, Reagan was still responsible for thousands of deaths by laughing at the AIDS epidemic and doing nothing to help. But whatever happens, I'm not going down without a fight.
I do hope we ARE overreacting, that Trump isn't going to be as bad as the signs he's giving off, but every time I hope, lately, it gets dashed. I'm kind of afraid to hope for the best, in case that hope is what's causing all these bad things to happen.
But yeah, if I can't get out, if it gets as bad as we fear, I'm gonna go down turning American flags into Molotov cocktails and throwing them at the forces of oppression, daring them to come through me to get the people I'm protecting.
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