Capitalism is unsustainable.

Dec 14, 2016 01:46

As much as I want to think a revolution could help change our economic structure to communism, I think it's not going to work out that way. Feudalism didn't vanish until after the plague wiped out most of the labor, making feudalism ill adapted to the new realities of the world, so it got abandoned and replaced.

Now I'm not saying we need another plague to bring about the destruction of capitalism. I doubt that would work, anyway. I think capitalism is just either going to crumble under the weight of unsustainable growth, undercut by the depletion of fossil fuels, or else it'll just become obsolete once we figure out how to make 3D printers that can print things as complex as the Star Trek replicators can. Or, more likely, a combination of those two things.

Speaking of that, I think a large reason why so many people argue against communism is because they can't conceive of an economic system centered around stability rather than growth. It's like cancer cells trying to comprehend just being part of a normal, healthy organ.

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anarchism, communism, capitalism, capitalism sucks

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