Scientific studies have been done, measurements taken. Vegetables, though separated from their roots, continue to live for days or even weeks after harvest. They've been found to make a kind of scream-like sound when cooked or cut, that humans can't hear without special equipment. They make the same sound when alive and wounded, too. Plants also remember people who have hurt them repeatedly, and respond in measurable ways. They also respond to music, and to people talking to them. Plants are as much alive as animals, so for vegans to cite ethical issues is ignoring the ethical issues of eating plants. Which I wouldn't mind, if they'd just stop being assholes about it.
In fact, in some ways eating animals is MORE humane than eating plants. At least when an animal is made into meat, it's known to be 100% dead and no longer suffering. With the exception of lobsters, animals don't scream when cooked. (And cooking lobsters alive is unnecessary. It is said to improve the flavor, but that is a myth.)
Now don't get me wrong, I think factory farms suck. There is no reason to put animals through that kind of stress and suffering, and it's perfect conditions for something to evolve to lash out on the animals' behalf at the people who make them suffer. We've seen it already in e-coli poisoning, and as long as factory farms exist, there remains the risk that the meat supply will become even more tainted by this foul treatment of animals. So in that regard, I do understand. But some people, like me, NEED to eat meat. I have found myself to be an obligate omnivore. So let them live peaceful lives of comfort in fields of green, ending in a quick, relatively painless zap or thunk before becoming meat. But just because factory farms are evil doesn't mean meat should be outlawed. Life feeds on life, there is no other way unless you want to go around eating things that have already died of natural causes and are starting to rot.
Extremist vegans are as bad as far right-wing Christian nuts. I oppose anyone who is such a radical, extremist modeltheist that they feel they must convert all the unbelievers or else.
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