Dec 16, 2008 19:29
My friends already have written different good essays and we have discussed this film so much so I suppose that I won’t put anything new. But I’ll try to focus on the most important points which have drawn my attention. First of all I’ll tell some words about my first impressions. When I’ve just started to watch ‘Zeitgeist’ I was completely amazed by that rough slides about war, bombing, air crash, violence, crying, screaming. However these shots are very important because they describe all the content to come. Rude forceful clarifying of the Truth which is not the Absolute Truth but only the author’s view especially in the first part.
So, at the first part he talks about the beginning of every human’s activity - the faith and the religion as a system of making it. So, Christian messiah Jesus Christ isn’t unique because he has a lot of prototypes as Horus from Egypt, Mithras from Greece and even Joseph who was the other important biblical hero. His arguments and comparisons are very interesting but not so persuasive. Horus wasn’t born from virgin and he couldn’t be crucified because crosses weren’t used in Egypt. Finally South Cross is a constellation which can be seen only in South Hemisphere. It seems that author really juggle with facts trying to persuade us that he is right.
The second part “9/11” is far more objective than the first one. Peter Joseph opened cruelty of the American government and people’s ignorance. All diseases of the American society are shown as they are. September, 11 tragedy wasn’t the act of terrorism from Islamic extremists but the betrayal of rulers their own citizens. 3000 victims died because some fatty penny-bags wanted to began war for money. And this situation couldn’t happened if the Central Bank wouldn’t produce useless shits of paper instead of good reversible in gold money. And terrorism is just a ground for war against Iraq and Afghanistan because this phenomenon doesn’t exist at all. And what is our future? Global government with global corruption and global slavery of everyone? Do we want it or we must struggle for freedom and independence? The author say we must, first of all we must stop to believe in everything we listen and watching on television. Books and papers are sources of truth.
So, Mr. Joseph may be a bit obtrusive or self-confident, but he just tries to show us the other side of coin. That we must learning and thinking about our world, our society, our future and our behavior. We are making the world but not the world making us.
Thank you for attention!