Tears of an Angel

Mar 28, 2011 15:32

Title: Tears of an Angel
Beta reader: greyrocks from fanfiction.net
Pairing: Yamapi/Tegoshi (Tegopi)
Rating: PG I think
Genre: angst
Summary: Pain of love is everlasting.
Music that inspired me writing this: Tears of an Angel by RyanDan. Listen to it if you want atmosphere.

Tears of an Angel

*Step* * Step* *Step*

“No! It can’t be true!” Teardrops mixed with the heavy rain were pouring over his round baby face as he hurried his pace, making way through the crowd.

“Tell me those words were a lie!”  He kept thinking to himself, not wanting to admit what his now weeping eyes saw earlier.

“Can you hear me cry?” He whispered slightly as the rays of the sun were leaving the clouded sky.  The warm light fell on his face blinding him for a couple of seconds. Some of the people he passed earlier were now talking about him, recognizing his face.

“I don’t care anymore…”He said as he continued walking. He wiped his eyes with his already wet sleeve. “Have you ever actually thought of me?” He asked not actually wanting an answer. Recent memories were now floating in his mind.

“Ne… let’s go somewhere on our free day!”

“Cant. I have a meeting for Ashita no Joe. Let’s go next time”

But there wasn’t a next time…or after two weeks…and…


“Our relationship isn’t the same… Have you noticed?”

“What do you mean?”

Feigning ignorance… And every time you silenced me with your so called love… with your kisses.

“Maybe after all… I was the ignorant one, right?” He spoke silently as he adventured more into his memories.


*door opens*

“I think they should already have a fixed program!”

“No money, no life”

“The food is already cold…do you want to warm it up?”

“Nah…Too tired… I’ll take a shower and go to sleep”

“Ahh…Kei-chan call-”

*the other left*

“He wanted to wish me Happy Birthday…”

Tears flooded once again. “Heh… You really did forget that time, right?” The boy thought as his mobile continued vibrating.

“Were you with her while I was waiting for you?”

“What can I say to my heart now?”He asked himself as he looked at the name on his mobile screen.

“It’s too boring being without you… How can I forget you when I haven’t learned?...” He thought.

“When y-you didn’t learn about me?” His beautiful voice cracked. “T-Tomo-…I can’t stop loving you!” He whispered as he fell onto his knees in the middle of the road. “I don’t understand.” He said as he angrily fisted his honey like hair into fists. “I am not keen on living…now that my love-“he paused as he looked at the sun that was slowly disappearing.

“…you…have finally run away from me.”

“I can see myself coming…and leaving from your life as an insignificant fly but-”

Various people stopped and were wondering if the boy was alright.

“I just wanted to feel… real love…”

A lady approached him.”Are you alright, sir?” She asked and touching his shoulder with the palm of her right hand.

There is a hole in my soul…

“I’m fine.”He answered and raised himself from the ground. “Thanks from worrying hehe…”He said as a fake smile made its way on his lips.

You can see it on my face

The trails from the tears were still there; making his cheeks and eyes puffy and tired. The mobile stopped vibrating.

This road with you had finally ended. That’s what you wanted, right?

“I feel drained of all my energy.”He whispered as he prepared to leave but the lady heard him.

“Do you want me to call a taxi?” She asked as she took her mobile out from her pocket.

Shadows were now dancing on his lashes.

Wherever you are, can you hear my heart crying for you? He thought as he closed his black eyes and embraced the darkness within.



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