hey, brain? what the fuck.

May 04, 2018 19:07

today i found several more white hairs growing out of my 26-year-old head, and later spent a moment too long standing next to my car, trying to remember if i had turned the engine off when i parked, even though i was looking straight at the keys that i was holding in my hand. i was driving home last weekend but couldn't remember what street i was on or where i was going, even though it was the same street i always take to go home. i'm living with my best friend of the past 13 years but more and more frequently i find myself unable to hold a conversation with her because i can't remember what she just said to me or what my response should be.

this is all probably just a function of prolonged sleep deprivation, because i haven't had more than 5 hours of sleep on weekdays for several weeks now. i hate my job but i also hate the job hunting process and most especially i hate freelancing. everything is in stasis; it feels like some sort of suspended animation, and also everything is too loud and too quiet all at once.

i'm majorly bummed that i accidentally spoiled this week's spn for myself, although it's my fault for forgetting to blacklist spoiler tags before going on tumblr, and also for forgetting to watch and keep up with s13 at all in the first place. i'm forgetting a lot of things lately.

today is may 4th. i keep thinking that it's march. i think i left my brain in march, and then it just got up and wandered away. do let me know if you find it, would you? it's grey and squishy and answers to "charlotte", "char", "yuting," or "i have 50k words of extremely well-written and in-character dinesh/gilfoyle slow-burn fanfic just for you."


pointless post is pointless

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